What's changed
* **Canned Scenarios:** You can now use a canned list of scenarios, capturing all of [aiohttp's web exceptions](https://docs.aiohttp.org/en/latest/web_exceptions.html) out of the box.
* Extend callable interface to accept a request object as a second positional argument by yuvalherziger in https://github.com/yuvalherziger/aiohttp-catcher/pull/4
* **More flexible Callables and Awaitables:** Callables and Awaitables are now invoked with a second argument, the aiohttp `Request` instance, to add more flexibility to custom messages.
* Add canned aiohttp HTTP errors by yuvalherziger in https://github.com/yuvalherziger/aiohttp-catcher/pull/5
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/yuvalherziger/aiohttp-catcher/compare/0.2.0...0.3.0