- Better client basic authentication support (`112 <https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/pull/112>`_). - Fixed incorrect line splitting in HttpRequestParser (`97 <https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/pull/97>`_). - Support StreamReader and DataQueue as request data. - Client files handling refactoring (`20 <https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/pull/20>`_). - Backward incompatible: Replace DataQueue with StreamReader for request payload (`87 <https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/pull/87>`_).
Not secure
- Change ProxyConnector authorization parameters.
Not secure
- Publish TCPConnector properties: verify_ssl, family, resolve, resolved_hosts. - Don't parse message body for HEAD responses. - Refactor client response decoding.
Not secure
- Make ProxyConnector.proxy immutable property. - Make UnixConnector.path immutable property. - Fix resource leak for aiohttp.request() with implicit connector. - Rename Connector's reuse_timeout to keepalive_timeout.
Not secure
- Use case insensitive multidict for server request/response headers. - MultiDict.getall() accepts default value. - Catch server ConnectionError. - Accept MultiDict (and derived) instances in aiohttp.request header argument. - Proxy 'CONNECT' support.
Not secure
- Add support for utf-8 values in HTTP headers - Allow to use custom response class instead of HttpResponse - Use MultiDict for client request headers - Use MultiDict for server request/response headers - Store response headers in ClientResponse.headers attribute - Get rid of timeout parameter in aiohttp.client API - Exceptions refactoring