------ - [aiolib] added timeout for wait_server_push of 29 minutes - [aiolib] Remove imap's Continuation from server when connection is idled. Provide imapserver.wait_state to wait for idle in tests - [test][refactor] Replace WithIMapServer inheritance by mixin combinations between ClockTestCase/TestCase and WithIMapServer - [test] Allow to send a html email - [fix] handling untagged responses with noop async command
------ - [fix] bug when incomplete literal occured before a tagged status line - [tests] imapserver search with uid range - [tests] better fetch request handling - [log] Limit partials' log to 100 characters - [build] Add tests' requires in setup.py
------ - [refactor] adding incomplete line before calling _handle_responses
------ - [fix] generalization of literal treatment - do not filter exists line for 'select' command (breaks the API). To retrieve unread mails with select, use aioimaplib.extract_exists((yield from imap_client.select()) instead of 'yield from imap_client.select()[0]'
------ - [fix] added '$' and ';' for fetch message with litteral regexp