Bug Fixes
- **deps**: Update dependency aiolifx to v1.0.8
- **deps**: Update dependency black to v24.8.0
- **deps**: Update dependency pre-commit to v3.8.0
- **deps**: Update pre-commit hook asottile/pyupgrade to v3.17.0
- **deps**: Update pre-commit hook commitizen-tools/commitizen to v3.29.0
- **deps**: Update pre-commit hook pre-commit/mirrors-mypy to v1.11.1
- **deps**: Update pre-commit hook psf/black to v24.8.0
- **deps**: Update pre-commit hook pycqa/flake8 to v7.1.1
- **deps**: Update snok/install-poetry action to v1.4.0
- **deps**: Update snok/install-poetry action to v1.4.1
- **deps**: Update wagoid/commitlint-github-action action to v6.0.2