Major Changes
- Security Upgrade: The package's cipher was changed to an online,
authenticated scheme with salt misuse-reuse resistance. This was
acheived through a few backwards incompatible techniques:
1. A synthetic IV (SIV) is calculated from the keyed-hash of the first
256-byte block of plaintext. The SIV is then used to seed the
keystream generator, & is used to update the validator object. This
ensures that if the first block is unique, then the whole ciphertext
will be unique.
2. A 16-byte ephemeral & random SIV-key is also prepended to the
first block of plaintext during message padding. Since this value
is also hashed to derive the SIV, this key gives a strong
guarantee that a given message will produce a globally unique
3. An 8-byte timestamp is prepended to the first block of plaintext
during padding. Timestamps are inherently sequential, they can be
verified by a user within some bounds, & can also be used to
mitigate replay attacks. Since it's hashed to make the SIV, then
it helps make the entire ciphertext unique.
4. After being updated with each block of ciphertext, the validator's
current state is again fed into the keystream generator as a new
rotating seed. This mitigation is limited to ensuring only that
every following block of ciphertext to a block which is unique
will also be unique. More specifically this means that: **if**
*all* **other mitigations fail to be unique**, or are missing, then
the first block which is unique **will appear the same**, except
for the bits which have changed, **but, all following blocks will
be randomized.** This limitation could be avoided with a linear
expansion in the ciphertext size by generating an SIV for each
block of plaintext. This linear expansion is prohibitive as a
default setting, but the block level secrecy, even when all other
mitigations fail, is enticing. This option may be added in the
future as a type of padding mode on the plaintext.
The SIV-key is by far the most important mitigation, as it isn't
feasibly forgeable by an adversary, & therefore also protects against
attacks using encryption oracles. These changes can be found in the
``SyntheticIV`` class, the (en/de)cipher & xor generators, & the
``StreamHMAC`` class in the ``ciphers.py`` module. The padding
changes can also be found in the new ``Padding`` class in the ``generics.py``
module. The SIV is attached in the clear with ciphertexts & was
designed to function with minimal user interaction. It needs only to
be passed into the ``StreamHMAC`` class during decryption -- during
encryption it's automatically generated & stored in the ``StreamHMAC``
validator object's ``siv`` property attribute.
- Security Patch: The internal ``sha3_512`` kdf's to the ``akeys``, ``keys``,
``abytes_keys`` & ``bytes_keys`` keystream generators are now updated
with 72 bytes of (64 key material + 8 padding), instead of just 64
bytes of key material. 72 bytes is the *bitrate* of the ``sha3_512``
object. This change causes the internal state of the object to be permuted
for each iteration update & before releasing a chunk of key material.
Frequency analysis of ciphertext bytes didn't smooth out to the
cumulative distribution expected for all large ciphertexts prior to
this change. But after the change the distribution does normalize as
expected. This indicates that the key material streams were biased
away from random in a small but measurable way. Although, no
particular byte values seem to have been preferred by this bias, this
is a huge shortcoming with unknown potential impact on the strength
of the package's cipher. This update is strongly recommended & is
backwards incompatible.
- This update gives a name to the package's pseudo-one-time-pad cipher
implementation. It's now called ``Chunky2048``! The ``OneTimePad``
class' name was updated to ``Chunky2048`` to match the change.
- The ``PreemptiveHMACValidation`` class & its related logic in the
``StreamHMAC`` class was removed. The chaining of validator output
into the keystream makes running the validator over the ciphertext
separately or prior to the decryption process very costly. It would
either mean recalculating the full hash of the ciphertext a second
time to reproduce the correct outputs during each block, or a large
linear memory increase to hold all of its digests to be fed in some
time after preemtive validation. It's much simpler to remove that
functionality & potentially replace it with something else that fits
the user's applications better. For instance, the ``current_digest``
& ``acurrent_digest`` methods can produce secure, 32-byte authentication
tags at any arbitrary blocks throughout the cipher's runtime, which
validate the cipehrtext up to that point. Or, the ``next_block_id``
& ``anext_block_id`` methods, which are a more robust option because
each id they produce validates the next ciphertext block before
updating the internal state of the validator. This acts as an
automatic message ordering algorithm, & leaves the deciphering
party's state unharmed by dropped packets or manipulated ciphertext.
- The ``update_key`` & ``aupdate_key`` methods were also added to the
``StreamHMAC`` class. They allow the user to update the validators'
internal key with new entropy or context information during its
- The ``Comprende`` class now takes a ``chained`` keyword-only argument
which flags an instance as a chained generator. This flag allows
instances to communicate up & down their generator chain using the
shared ``Namespace`` object accessible by their ``messages`` attribute.
- The chainable ``Comprende`` generator functions had their internals
altered to allow them to receive, & pass down their chain, values
sent from a user using the standard coroutine ``send`` & ``asend``
method syntax.
- ``Comprende`` instances no longer automatically reset themselves every
time they enter their context managers or when they are iterated over.
This makes their interface more closely immitate the behavior of
async/sync generator objects. To get them to reset, the ``areset`` or
``reset`` methods must be used. The message chaining introduced in
this update allows chains of ``Comprende`` async/sync generators to
inform each other when the user instructs one of them to reset.
- The standard library's ``hmac`` module is now used internally to the
``generics.py`` module's ``sha_512_hmac``, ``sha_256_hmac``, ``asha_512_hmac``
& ``asha_256_hmac`` functions. They still allow any type of data to be
hashed, but also now default to hashing ``bytes`` type objects as
they are given.
- The new ``Domains`` class, found in ``generics.py``, is now used to
encode constants into deterministic pseudo-random 8-byte values for
helping turn hash function outputs into domain-specific hashes. Its
use was included throughout the library. This method has an added
benefit with respect to this package's usage of SHA-3. That being, the
*bitrate* for both ``sha3_512`` & ``sha3_256`` are ``(2 * 32 * k) + 8``
bytes, where ``k = 1`` for ``sha3_512`` & ``k = 2`` for ``sha3_256``.
This means that prepending an 8-byte domain string to their inputs
also makes it more efficient to add some multiple of key material
to make the input data precisely equal the *bitrate*. More info on
domain-specific hashing can be found here_.
.. _here: https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/241.pdf
- A new ``DomainsKDF`` class in ``cipehrs.py`` was added to create a
more standard & secure method of key derivation to the library which
also incorporates domain separation. Its use was integrated thoughout
the ``AsyncDatabase`` & ``Database`` classes to mitigate any further
vulnerabilities of their internal key-derivation functions. The
database classes now also use bytes-type keys internally, instead
of hex strings.
- The ``Passcrypt`` class now contains methods which create & validate
passcrypt hashes which have their settings & salt attached to them.
Instances can now also be created with persistent settings that are
automatically sent into instance methods.
Minor Changes
- Many fixes of docstrings, typos & tutorials.
- Many refactorings: name changes, extracted classes / functions,
reorderings & moves.
- Various code clean-ups, efficiency & usability improvements.
- Many constants used throughout the library were given names defined
in the ``commons.py`` module.
- Removed extraneous functions throughout the library.
- The asymmetric key generation & exchange functions/protocols were
moved from the ``ciphers.py`` module to ``keygens.py``.
- Add missing modules to the MANIFEST.rst file.
- Added a ``UniformPrimes`` class to the ``__datasets`` module for efficient
access to primes that aren't either mostly 1 or 0 bits, as is the case for
the ``primes`` helper table. These primes are now used in the ``Hasher``
class' ``amask_byte_order`` & ``mask_byte_order`` methods.
- The ``time_safe_equality`` & ``atime_safe_equality`` methods are now
standalone functions available from the ``generics.py`` module.
- Added ``reset_pool`` to the ``Processes`` & ``Threads`` classes. Also
fixed a missing piece of logic in their ``submit`` method.
- Added various conversion values & timing functions to the ``asynchs.py``
- The ``make_uuid`` & ``amake_uuid`` coroutines had their names changed to
``make_uuids`` & ``amake_uuids``.
- Created a new ``Datastream`` class in ``generics.py`` to handle buffering
& resizing iterable streams of data. It enables simplifying logic that
must happen some number of iterations before the end of a stream. It's
utilized in the ``Padding`` class' generator functions available as
chainable ``Comprende`` methods.
- The ``data`` & ``adata`` generators can now produce a precise number of
``size``-length ``blocks`` as specified by a user. This gets rid of the
confusing usage of the old ``stop`` keyword-only argument, which stopped
a stream after *approximately* ``size`` number of elements.
- Improved the efficiency & safety of entropy production in the
``randoms.py`` module.