- **BREAKING**: Drop Python 3.7 support.
- **BREAKING**: Positional arguments are now positional only, and keyword arguments
are keyword only.
- **BREAKING**: Passing ``source_address`` as a string argument (deprecated in 2.0)
is now an error. ``source_address`` takes a (addr, port) tuple that is used as
the ``local_addr`` param of ``asyncio.create_connection``, allowing for binding
to a specific IP. The ``local_hostname`` argument takes the value to be sent to
the server with the EHLO/HELO message (which is what ``source_address`` was used
for prior to 2.0).
- Change: don't use timeout value passed to ``connect`` everywhere,
only for the initial connection (credit wombatonfire)
- Change: removed unnecessary connection lost callback
- Change: revised handling for 'Future exception was never retrieved' warnings in