
Latest version: v1.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 685507 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Page 2 of 2


What's Changed
* Bump loguru from 0.5.3 to 0.6.0 by dependabot in

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
* Add Interrogate to CI pipeline by mjcaley in
* Refactored the header method of the parser to simplify the branch by mjcaley in
* Implement dataclasses by mjcaley in
* Python 3.7 dependencies by mjcaley in
* Added GitHub Actions by mjcaley in
* Added status job for unit tests by mjcaley in
* Simplified test fixtures with the trustme library by mjcaley in
* Fix shebang in frontend module by mjcaley in
* Update Request and Response str/repr methods by mjcaley in
* Fixed bug 317 by mjcaley in
* Warnings by mjcaley in
* Create FUNDING.yml by mjcaley in
* Replace Towncrier with Reno by mjcaley in
* Update Poetry build backend by mjcaley in
* Refactor request function by mjcaley in
* Switch from logging to loguru by mjcaley in
* Removed warning that isn't a bug 328 by mjcaley in
* Updated copyright to 2022 by mjcaley in
* gh now generates release notes by mjcaley in
* Convert objects to dictionaries by mjcaley in
* Use pytest-asyncio auto mode to clean up tests by mjcaley in
* Create codeql-analysis.yml by mjcaley in

**Full Changelog**:


* 293: Updated development dependencies
* 290: Bump certifi from 2020.11.8 to 2020.12.5
* 289: Response objects return False when compared with other objects
* 287: Fixed the build IDs the for the build and coverage shields, resolves 286
* 285: Ignore mypy cache directory
<details><summary><b>See More</b></summary>

* 284: Corrected spelling for enhancement tag, resolves 281
* 281: GitHub release doesn't track enhancement
* 283: Added .gitignore to changes directory to be tracked, resolves 280
* 280: Git tracks "changes" directory

This list of changes was [auto generated](</details>


* 279: Added docstring for ClientTimeoutException
* 277: Fixed bugs in
<details><summary><b>See More</b></summary>

* 275: Changed the Github release task to be issue based
* 274: Removed __all__ from module
* 273: Updated dependency lock file
* 272: Cleaned up examples and tests
* 271: Bump certifi from 2020.6.20 to 2020.11.8
* 270: Configure dependabot to only check production dependencies
* 267: Improved header parsing
* 268: Add header value to support failures in decoding
* 266: Helpful exceptions
* 265: Renamed StatusCode to Status
* 264: Black CI step will fail build
* 263: Added StatusCode class into Response
* 262: Moved parser exceptions to the exceptions module
* 261: Integration tests check the status code
* 260: Fixed spelling and added constructor docstring
* 259: Remove SpamcHeaders class
* 258: Improved coverage for connections tests
* 257: Black CI step checks all source files and mypy failure will fail CI
* 256: Bump sphinx from 3.2.1 to 3.3.1
* 255: Remove client class
* 254: Connection hangs with SSL and compression
* 252: Bump pytest from 6.1.1 to 6.1.2
* 251: Add release note for issue 216
* 216: Add support for Python 3.9
* 250: Added support for Python 3.9, resolves 216
* 249: Bump cryptography from 3.1.1 to 3.2.1
* 247: Bump mypy from 0.782 to 0.790
* 246: Bump pytest from 6.1.0 to 6.1.1
* 242: Bump coverage from 5.2.1 to 5.3
* 244: Bump cryptography from 3.1 to 3.1.1
* 245: Bump pytest from 6.0.1 to 6.1.0
* 241: Applied changes from newest version of black
* 239: Bump black from 19.10b0 to 20.8b1
* 238: Bump pytest-mock from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1
* 237: Bump cryptography from 3.0 to 3.1
* 236: Added towncrier and initial news fragments
* 235: Improved logging
* 234: Fixes 233
* 232: Added dependabot YAML file
* 231: Bump pytest-mock from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0
* 230: Added black code formatter
* 229: New badges
* 228: Add type hinting verification with mypy
* 226: Connection timeout
* 225: Simplified connection manager API
* 224: Updated enum to use auto where possible
* 223: Use f-strings
* 221: Update examples and README
* 220: Bump sphinx from 3.1.2 to 3.2.1
* 219: Bump pytest-cov from 2.10.0 to 2.10.1
* 218: Remove loop parameter
* 215: Pytest TOML configuration
* 212: Updated dependencies
* 211: Consolidated weekly build to the CI pipeline
* 210: New pipelines

This list of changes was [auto generated](</details>



* 159e23381b457f1cbfb6e9b018b5c25687b0b243 Merge branch 'development'
* c54958c383f22e8aabb9b4c7f35a2c90b7047bc9 Merge pull request 209 from mjcaley/missing-docstring
* 8d9b17d808e6a8eb697e6947b5096dccc31e7835 Took the package name out of the title
* 9c4db9e354368bb9a491ebb05fe400fada15035e Parameter should be on its own line
* 5d14449d686a1adb1f8527df00947ea3e5e0980b Added a better title for the API documentation
* 9dc7d961c4595664789c241ec3685136252dc704 Added missing docstring from frontend `tell` function
* e21198304eb8ac78fc2483b122eada7511c67eeb Merge pull request 208 from mjcaley/ssl-file-not-found
* 7b12b7fca95ea87a8d8edb12ff928ec694f5b636 Giving an invalid path to the SSL context should raise an exception
* 40ae8c395fea365242f9cf23f07ea5d3d90d4b7b Merge pull request 207 from mjcaley/loop-parameter
* 349eb60c6c7a80690dc4d93dbaeb75697728e92b Pass loop parameter to the connection
<details><summary><b>See More</b></summary>

* b78f4804fad9be6eaa86c692ecdb3d31853d0b61 Merge pull request 206 from mjcaley/readthedocs-fix
* 926cd7d475d06e176a8b6521f731edb7335744dd Using latest available Python version
* 970911335b57f150d61569789daf6e17fac89201 Poetry 1.0 and Python 3.8 support (205)
* a419031e522fb2d6f4d99c8117077a267d896ab5 Merge pull request 204 from mjcaley/development
* 20d4f55335c1a15b2eaec2fc8c5990edca44c4b6 Incremented version to v0.6.0
* 52909789510119d0acc54d7a37f35d526f631cb6 Merge pull request 203 from mjcaley/project-utilities
* 56ff51369f2350302ed94f6620b21d5f370af724 Added script to update versions
* ca36d7f0ed4255e0ee893124c8c5345cc6cbfab4 Merge pull request 202 from mjcaley/docstring-fixes
* 7e28e590413f512b3850b2d8e49168b2b71a77f8 Merge branch 'development' of into development
* d7e9c26c60ee76b874c92341972b7e2344b6b576 Added Sphinx autodoc settings
* 15ad18daddcda50a681da200bd13b90adedb5ae8 Added docstring for instance variable
* 287a54bb4e09504ec019c2eb775e647cb0e26077 Added docstring for the Parser's state property
* 7d5507fc038f9d72c75d6b103e1c1fdf9ec0a9c9 Fixed spelling mistakes in docstrings
* afd6be649a6105618676a996cb7cfe5c49b13020 Merge pull request 201 from mjcaley/updated-examples
* 6f25a082286fd0e36077e01d7824c3a282f25c2e Added example demonstrating client object and the TELL request
* 2702998394fb8402378d998a491b22e39f97e157 Updated GTUBE example to use frontend API
* 94ce874b0363c509abd82d26066766ee51969e01 Merge pull request 200 from mjcaley/parser-docstrings
* 552f33c9be1fa46f784f8401129790730a655f83 Added docstrings for the incremental_parser module
* 1c3de49a73bb69a86fbe58b56b59f46d93140126 Merge pull request 199 from mjcaley/nicer-object-strings [ 196 ]
* 69a367b62238ac58fcb2f39515ce86ed626ca1f6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/nicer-object-strings' into nicer-object-strings
* 06408f3c3327cfc0a43ff6a4edfcb8fc055ecfce Added __str__method for SpamcHeaders
* 3aa001604366d03ca83baa0c4acd5b6a0e4058ef Added Any for SpamcHeaders type hint
* 1ef9e363255adb6070ecb1a180482725d7e46a4a Added tests for header value __str__ methods
* aa92926ecb699ab331bbc39754a30ebc7bdc6538 Added __str__ method to Request and Response
* 5d3b79f33d84b2170fc23a61e15c6861bf311b65 Added __str__ method to header values
* 7f7bf3d7b12fa3dfadfcd011cdd2d71d9d150507 Added __str__method for SpamcHeaders
* 21573555292bb7fce050ec8e764c625be2a877d3 Added Any for SpamcHeaders type hint
* 291e14f05aad6fd4f566183af0ff535861b57eb2 Added tests for header value __str__ methods
* 5e302d136178ef825420e398e6e7271b3f8b46e1 Added __str__ method to Request and Response
* 1a4efc2bef5c3963ff9b43ea717f90e4e43f3254 Added __str__ method to header values
* 968d2290a1715496c68bbcf216d534dff2778a3f Merge pull request 197 from mjcaley/frontend-api
* 364ddbfd723dc9eae2a7ae4baf4e147c5476a6bd Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/development' into frontend-api
* ca647af75617f8786088581ee0647877e9fb986d Changed integration tests to test frontend functions
* 24a187fd6d792fca4c8f720bd4f92d33d350db24 Module documentation ignores the __all__ imports and Python docs can now be directly referenced
* 730529d0b3dbab46856427d2c5c4dc98faee157e Expanded the User Guide documentation
* c6fccf44255dfe845caa5eaec10b24535346b81e Exposed TCP host and port parameters in frontend functions
* d92f4b7a781a589decf45cde063c48bb2c5099d6 Updated documentation with the new modules
* ef16142fbb1891324a503b238a52dd11011b08e1 Merge pull request 195 from mjcaley/api-documentation-update
* dfeb128a605c71c0df58722ead9e88d5defafe1a Updated documentation with the new modules
* 1472323c61942069e509193282428c397963b96a Added frontend functions, mimics the "requests" library
* 69d1fb22c4df341991808121117e5bde2335fd82 Updated and resolved some inconsistencies with the Client docstrings
* 642a89ed3d494d0137c0153feeda6a1e8b87252a Fixed documentation in the Client class
* 38ccaca210a56d92603870c97f47a5a713207145 Changed interface for Client.tell to to take message first like other methods
* dc1afbce2750cbbaeffe5e2ad0412f5b342d20fb Removed headers module and tests
* e534f7e776b13e61eed02bcd8d2d600706e66051 Changed Client defaults to a TCP connection
* c95ed57edfd7ab1252d4b37ad42f9aed2672e6d0 Yaml release (194)
* b7ad88f6fa5f6e3abe616982f3ad5ec827e90ce7 Merge pull request 193 from mjcaley/integrating-parser
* 431a9f1dc2e8e5c292b837d732a2790d45ccc0b6 Merge branch 'development' into integrating-parser
* 12cee3e2bc15fe8fdff77a496de9da9446e0283e Updated document on creating requests for the new header interface
* 2adafe4146d1f1955f9126052b9b102adfbf6a53 Updated document on creating requests for the new header interface
* 1796e53470597f9fb1d0ac6e9f2faac7d979bd75 Added test for header parser if the format isn't recognizable
* 144fb7e54c6c7b6d4e2790dae7554d6624c4ee7c Parser properly handles response with end of header marker
* 141dcee50016fe22feaaf4c4ad4ce9ced1e38c2a Parser handles PONG response (contains no header section)
* 2cb167009ffbbebbdf771212bef3cde09c24f345 Deleted old parser
* cc400591656f5a80129fad4e7e57d4d8fbe55e9f Changed parser's exception inheritance
* 52fa44f9d81e8e51a27531ae73f0e791b0f00be9 Parser accepts ActionOption as a parameter
* 46ed9174c5e0cdce845da5e49526bda88e31d49a Fixed refactoring gone wrong
* 52b6877d42b48e3ffe3b809452a662435deb37a9 Moved header parser functions to parser module
* 615b530f37f45cdc3d3bf77b1478a2b85cb6e14b Updated test fixture for generic header value
* 70cd79081593ea7aedaa0746f93e11f5c24ce6e3 SpamcHeaders will parse strings and that's it
* 71f2c1bd41b8a67e112a18cf2cded2c490a0add0 Parser returns HeaderValue objects
* ababf69a4cd5b53e42ee409a91d990db1e72ff2e Removed parser function from header_values module
* 613368416904cc832f2584086243f1a33cba8782 In parser the status lines are expanded right into the result
* 07a7d5c29efcb0c5165d82fd5db2e93248d22b9c Parser for Message-class value accepts MessageClassOption
* ea7ca22c1b583e959563a69b5e744635c1b271a1 Test for SpamcHeaders bytes method was wrong
* 845560164c3cf702e4ffcd23047ef2d57e582544 Fixed Request and Response objects bytes methods
* ced5297a84e7a5efb3aefae595f42d7eee073035 SpamcHeaders won't send a Mapping type to the header parser
* 0a8c8dc2d51a8daf05b61bc3fcb34e38c5fa1fd8 Added tests to parse example requests/responses
* 4e7fcd1968d67453937bc11aca061ebc2a7a310a Request and Response objects use header_values module
* f6b0e16348f446252565fb0a3a02180b4ca70e0b Ensure newlines are added after every header
* 603b0264a715b7c0d58307dce032b4f97b9ec429 Removed newline from SpamValue
* 18120a00e036cd29ef237889630e8b29b7bcce48 Updated HeaderValue to be more reliable
* 7086431ea03ad47bbb077af021b28b6ae8646371 SpamcHeaders now uses HeaderValue objects
* 346916bd14e77453d0cdf509413ffe4081726a02 Added a separate module for header values.
* 5fa63e7757898a644b2024f563e12765c7e7533f Parsers for header values return dictionaries
* 68535cdf37ef64d1262be1ffc84c18680aab31a6 Incremental parser (192)
* 036219a4b9afe776d20415796135fe971c31cc11 Added test to make sure Client creates a connection with SSL
* 094612b70f5c61fb40e66dc3e4d8b5a77f06da03 Merge pull request 191 from mjcaley/integration-tests
* bc229f17bd728e683022e17436d9679e8e84400a Updated Client's repr
* 4bc948277a4d93c88ee2090009e8e44ed60c56be Renamed the "ssl" option to "verify" to match the name in requests.
* efe809e9addd15b67ed1d2343e7b32aa485ab1b9 Added SSL support and tests, 90
* c92b7f22f0c972c4b4eb6765907d6da422aef05a Request and Response add "Content-length" header when converting to bytes
* b469d3f893a572bd73c6e760ab649c62774dbaba Test used string for port instead of int
* f08a18189c11472a04793e171212a9c37fb03206 Updated Unix integration tests to use the new spamd fixture
* dbc9552ed762e9edddadd86edee471545080a4f4 Refactored TCP and Unix connection tests
* 4f1a6030047dace5c8d17de4f86996d342c696cc Path object should be string
* 8caa8be82f05d8658cf673aebd833e8999c96c7e Added integration tests for SSL connections
* 3d749bbc50637b1698ead0e4219238a347091c30 Updated spamd fixture to only spawn one process and also support SSL and unix sockets all in one
* af79c4d1b2e2a29164c400e51165f50e48cb28d3 Added certifi as a dependency
* d017a1ed43b1454dcd04b13eb04fab54b43b67b5 Removed publishing of code coverage from the integration tests
* 43c5cde62be725eab799492fbd45865610447a1d Added integration tests for unix sockets
* 5e242d56fa371d3899e779d6cb56628d9edaa506 Use apt-get for installing software in pipeline
* b4e7969875322ad790ee4b7a0c49e7bb5f43bce0 Updated parser for Spam header value to support "Yes" and "No"
* 63b3b3ba7387c0b7daf9e477a6c2b158b028965e Wrote pipeline stage for integration tests
* ab63a12242b25f68ad99c8d697b9907e46dd704f Created TCP integration tests
* 462017b676c401675013caaa2880b13d36af389e Spelling mistake in the project description
* f6d0c2438981075b5f25ec700ef2faf11e83bc68 Merge pull request 185 from mjcaley/development
* 55380f17b2690e784ddd3bae4d0b826f6650909a Lowered Python dependency set from earlier tests
* 624b1a904604bf7ae5f52c266bbb41b21df671c6 Merge pull request 184 from mjcaley/development
* ab3b9eca4564c8d946203a73a82da53a62134012 Merge pull request 183 from mjcaley/release/0.5.0


* eb10589078780c094a23bd9636bf77e3d56cd621 Incrementing version
* 5150843a30d10fc465b1bb3fcb54423fdbbe829f Merge pull request 182 from mjcaley/install-instructions
* f0a308ec47cc82430d66a839b9d501e72a1f0bd9 Install instructions use Poetry
* 7a53e84b76645065e17d19cc1b2f9ad31caad19c Merge pull request 181 from mjcaley/header-tests-cleanup
* 410bcf5f69dfb2fbf190090fdc40d9e7ec31ed07 Separated tests per class and cleaned up some tests
* 71243eb0dc72312f94d4db87af3777251d928f14 Merge pull request 180 from mjcaley/docs-update
* 5a74cccceb0bedd2e16c4ed77ba17f63731e0952 Removed the old header interface in the user guide and mentioned its dictionary-like
* bc4286eb0686ba4c5f5ae962f5b7c82ac86dc759 Fixed the code blocks in the user guide
* e3123c223842dd591a465213dd233515d717b842 Commented out theme for Sphinx
* 58bfa58ea5c25fdce0961323f9186a2e923639b9 Updated copyright date
* 92e5f71533052a7f66a39f36fce0e791da97ff2d Removed Travis configuration
* 94645a5d14361c34c4eefd41b21704af2120771f Merge pull request 179 from mjcaley/project/bytes-param [ 98, 178 ]
* a74eddbc219d5ab7f00ce7b436fc9ad6bc67be2e No longer needed since the writer connection sends an EOF
* dbd5493c6aff76074a5284b4a24218c790f711aa Added tests for example messages
* e8ec53b8389d594e6741d8c4acc8c890c0e6001e Updating dependencies
* 446159bf3ab49a2b59dc8fa0b6f25a9240d4e073 Wrong headers being inserted for the user's parameters
* 96097bcd04ef51c452b86d5aa1a65c7082395f5a Moved client tests up a directory
* e46a1f3bda46980078bc73936805889125076c2f Simplified the Client tests by mocking the 'send' method
* 9e23fc8e5c4a6d65b34a67424a3993ebd462faef Refactored the raising of exceptions and broke up the tests
* 423bcd59ca26b95ea16ca7bfe0293938f49df21e Changed variable names and formatting
* dd6085f5b11b679fa68019dba392337434ab8db2 Got rid of the user and compress decorators
* 0760be0904e0ef0e4a3983938b0ce4e3c389db1d Response can throw its own exceptions like requests library
* 4a10f4b923bbf3adc091eede8380644e52af8746 Converted docstring style to Sphinx
* 2cbbef05fd7a43359875b180c0cf5c4d2045a1e4 Added type hints to library
* f5acce721abf3ed090f2eb5abd40b1899ecdf798 Write an EOF once the entire request has been sent
* f54255208b744c048e0c5b227a395f3b2ce5c603 Examples encoded to ASCII
* acb9f2e2ac4ac4fae338cec473931839a14ce2dd Updated Client docstrings to accept byte strings for the message
* 18b38119a2fa6cc5e20b353417f50e6543800e26 Reimplemented SpamcBody as a descriptor
* 2512be672f5e0ef3b97a2d8bdcc983f5540fceb7 Split up tests for Response class
* 5919f9bb102d1dd06b79a2c25675767a5ca37b60 Fixed bug where Response always wrote its version as 1.5
* 5b48d9a3b303323c0f905191dac0cd6c7ad0ce03 Split up the test for Request
* d7cc913f393e500593d3c0b33daa6047b572ac28 Response class uses SpamcBody and SpamcHeaders
* 097ae0cc1f83e12e5b992c2afff73755449b33bb Request now uses SpamcBody and SpamcHeaders
* acc2de53118cb4541bd8aea8fa7c0f11cb0699c2 Added SpamcBody and SpamcHeaders classes with tests
* 6d0790198588a5e6885cc9eb999216083b019763 Fix issue 98,support work with Unicode.
* 7b600e6f6852d26c8466bf2c7be0a0d668edb1ba Updated badges to point to Azure Pipelines
* 0bd4d3479748a92354f3634616105c6245400b10 Removed setup.cfg
* 90f92039a7cfa6942ab56e326e6b9c09b629b51e Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (176)
* a5a2ac447fc2925a9459377c50634cd526b0bcd2 Added tests for negative score values
* 2cb97064cf777557cf1030303188a2e56047a0c7 Merge pull request 177 from matkaczmarek/negative-values
* cde7e81e66e5b98b322c5386217521563a564d99 Fix when spamd returns negative value.
* 855ab266b18ad730b768446cb4e5b1e25fbc2ded Merge pull request 172 from tripleee/example-loop-fix [ 169 ]
* 1ea95f7f8bcc0e048e3687527007d1bf77cbd14f Update example to get_event_loop and pass to Client() (169)
* 6b4428a6754730cde55d64b15336ab440121bda9 Moved to Poetry dependency management and updated Travis CI config
* 6bb1f742c738075767d916e96fa3a18cacf9f1e8 Updated dependencies
* 4bb2f9004a373d13ddf5f04e33caf4408811df99 Incremented version to 0.4.1
* 84dff367c2efb7d4b06f2a6485574952fbb6af5b Added Pipfile
* 8c8c5f4e1b8296e86d39c0526ef92b968b520ce2 Fixed example in README
* 99b8d6f1b3288cd581a3d7216df4368ebfbb548c v0.4.0 release
* ce90fba6eda8250a690f4c3967cf05d99e1c6da4 Fixed Travis configuration to only build on Python 3.6
* 25a4cddc6857f3f4e00ecbdf121e4d137af9f239 Changed back to using tags for deployment
* 2e39c98592a78546285530c03b5a59f3a158bc42 Added Python version to deployment section
* 1a01c822940abe1fe9126cc781ab3c97266690ed Incremented version to 0.4.0.dev2
* 74b6914323390209dc42e28b9e5809faea2fee83 Specified branch to perform release on
* db332c8a78bcbc24f89cfabe4d54fafcdb9f6f99 Updated documentation
* b208d9a211dcc74554aeda2cdfb3f31c73cd324d Parser.parse is now a function instead of a method
* 9dd5c5c41efe52b71ae2c5b3daf61ecf2dc06708 Simplified the Client.send method
* bbe1d145ce8c7ce0ebedd27043520c74aa21063f Added Python version requirements
* 9f10ba5dd47005fb4644c79cce138dcfc7001d84 Updated Travis CI configration
* 5872e47952a53b5cd48edf859b9d4232426b5bf5 Modified tests to remove Unix connection when testing on Windows
* bd4e6c33d72a78b22344696104d29ad15a98abd3 Replaced parser combinator with recursive descent parser
* 68e095a9828b12a26805695443f6d47e2692151f Incremented version to 0.4.0.dev1
* 7e21aa52c02a74f0d83ecef819037c9408cb841a Fixed examples
* 9727ec5d2d38e4ab93e3b5c05cf1e23d34b9bbb8 Fixed bug in parser
* 81d492ef4edbc0206e94dd5e1e26138c2c616120 Updated documentation
* b47d4b89579fa936fff4f8e4998119b921932276 Changed case of requirements file and added editable installation for library
* 95988fc4e5d7b5b5fa3235000ad9680c168c485c Add import ActionOption and MessageClassOption to __all__
* 9b5ae941afa530cb2170938eff35a02897eb6118 Added REQUIREMENTS.txt
* 02c6b8accb6361c3dbf89b6d396e101e023d1a21 Switched to using a parser combinator for parsing
* f3eefd575621d6592edc31ffe3000597873ec790 Added version requirements for pytest and pytest-asyncio
* 0c6bdf13008f265eaf719ed4fcff0495658bc57d Updated requirements and Travis configuration
* e37b3625163baf0856fdabfb6b529f2550892eaf ResponseExceptions have more Pythonic names
* d17a18ae2dec3bf1571eab2f539dc4336b13ee4d Client updated to use connection manager objects
* 3fe01ffaf29c10d225eac1022f6a20558510ae41 Updated version to 0.3.0
* 247c02a4864eaf47c6dfdbc661d9c2bdc08cedda Fixed newline that broke a bullet point
* bf2c7d001992a7b592fa75cab90b8b092530fb0f Updated version to v0.2.1
* a67c490eed6f4c1a6878b296ca95beb562dda137 Moved nightly tests to allow failure
* a09c057ab613bda0ffe19d23a34083ecd9b7a233 Corrected documentation
* db7a727a9cc2bd6e3d54caca80119a316711ac67 Removed print statement from the _parse_body method
* 48c688f81e0ce1305092353983a103335f07b477 Removed latest Python build from "allow failures"
* d3dd8be0d888b50418262f85ef77850f9d3c293b Updated .gitignore
* ff4be174ef8c196f26089bee6bc1429af2875512 Removed commented import
* ccd0d56f46ace9b7219a0a4d230694c4e3b5658b Cleaned up some tests
* 8e6f7a7f4f8a93889a40c76f754d243abcdc9011 Removed unnecessary import
* 44de8140726c5bee2ecce8314b4b89100f038ad2 Changed how default options are passed in Header __init__ methods
* 93c67cddbf19f5716538b8c71cc400966132bbfc Renamed Header.header_field_name to field_name
* 2a813b4431e011144469837483f810f3e1d6fd7d Updated documentation
* 82d738bdfd0c0b48467d97bb5193fc5cdf5059a4 Classes output only byte strings
* dfede051643709cd6affabf20c415155cc706763 Client.send now adds User and Compress headers if set instead of each method doing it individually
* bf1bb44b678714d1e032265e22a0209e2b7bf922 Added fixtures and mock objects to tests
* e697b5773bab43f95ddd79402e9c3fe3139b2501 Incremented version to 0.2.0
* 05e215b2ed0d92d7c5298cfc56da28cff7a736ca Client.tell method now enforces a single action (remove or set)
* d022e03f5cee7b4a69025b5983a39c396aadbedc Exceptions now raised from responses that return an error
* 3cd5e1136e4141e8cc1b88d417d93ffb3b42e05a Added link to documentation
* 07a26e4deac7bd82076f42417fd7fad291983272 Added package documentation
* 8a4a60c37c0886ed9753b9083655d9bdfd300edb Switched some class variables to be internal
* dd0620c00b419cd0027dbed6e93e1cbdcaf3b757 Added docstring and metadata to package
* a98f5fd5b53064f870b19ae0a3801a848e4e2977 Simplified class names for Request, Response and Status
* 9b5dc82da508b16362f99a2d7661113c9a9c4358 Tests that can use pytest's "parametrize" fixture now do
* 99e29183c995a75e4d295e5d97b67228a54aed52 Added support for Spam header to parse "Yes" or "No"
* 5ff416ecd5d3d646673305874dc3e747c0a60ceb Updated example script
* 9f51d18a90225af9b63a2a9cfcd9557345c35b5f Added exception information to docstrings
* 09770e6a12887424c1c2bf6c4182f7ef8d4bb1c8 Removed logging from requests module
* ce83717db99152df2953d732a0976200ecfad899 When viewing the 'body' attribute of BodyHeaderManager classes the body will automatically decompress.
* 92777697cf9a8b8c7f9f5016f9f4c5419a3cc3b0 Removed return statement from Client._supplement_request since the object is modified directly.
* 054456dc626c6bb200da7fb7eddce248a8d98ddc Merge branch 'master' of
* 30654b61f21203da1a71b87879a235d3e0aec07a Removed subclasses for SPAMCRequest
* f98b06ab62b5551448ad30406fb9f93f5ecc7dad Added logging to the client module
* 318962c3147e005899e8735fd0eae30df7c7232f Added syntax highlighting in README
* c932fd9792325efb60696d372e21103694011916 Added a testpaths option to setup.cfg so PyTest doesn't pick up unwanted tests
* e0cb3a39aa38ec3346ddf40bc03547bb9fc665f1 Updated documentation
* 192dc4a309eda3d4b489608a583932981509c9a1 Added badges to the README
* d2421bf7396ac909d9421a33e0efda566ed8444f Travis installs codecov
* fc990e7db9f84530b64989c6d418240828d8d91c Forgot to add pytest-cov as a requirement
* 53048227d8fea4f54dfdfc85484f3859ae267a42 Added code coverage options
* e79f07110b95f00156336af366a693c9a2a6549f Added to Travis config
* b1a5ab12dd9e39d4976d8c0c6c36a1b13cce5886 Added tests for Client class
* 2091659b3d30658f7d8402890ed7d74b28ce6e5f Finished tests for Client
* c095aadc84ae6671354bde3c27d372af7e9ccbfa _SetRemove headers now return a blank line if neither of their options are set
* 8d64cc537c56d8724ee37824ae885ecb558d9e38 Now using pytest-asyncio's features
* cb91180172950195db33ff1696e653a1bb613665 Initial tests for Client class
* f9faa212d8c6e4797581d9d57cbee58d07ccd008 Added an exception for connection refused error
* 181086f2559f6c5d3a27e68229828c8d6acaa0ef Client.tell now correctly populates the headers
* 51d08d991f6214783be7e4ed8ab6047188e081dd Client now sends an EOF at the end of a request
* 892db03f34aec5637da00b2fa5515fdcf750d2aa Made exceptions fully qualified in docstrings
* 6414a8c204e2ed7c1e597d7e8b8d961b406dab00 Now ContentLength header is more dynamic after compression and decompression
* 3e1585a0126181c05b4cdf1a374c5b9ac0e01cce Added tests for content_man module
* 878a9e32c6ac034877c2cfeb19d6007f39819433 Removed __repr__ methods from SPAMCRequest subclasses.
* 3f564b0e8d98324e75f72d294068f6f66bc1ae37 Added tests for transport module
* 5ded693437ff631d7cf6650cccaa5cbe93f4b526 A tiny bit of code style cleanup
* 29778056253403ef42482726e3143b928b478a24 Removed parse method from Header since it's already defined in the Inbound class
* 9aa773204be2036a2a80e9aefe42e256d2a7639b Added tests for responses module
* be0c327907adddde692e1706bf120e85df1eba96 Corrected some code for how SPAMDResponse parses responses
* 75fa7fa085f46c5a160a190200a0f723af0ef2b8 Added tests for requests module
* 2341672a60498f4aaf1873f223c928d0a0246b05 Fixed docstring formatting for __repr__ methods
* 104cf71bcfb56b90d4081ececb9974f9bbeb42c4 Added attributes to docstring of SPAMCRequest
* 88b3c02f2748b96cb6684510b4241b558f49b1b7 SPAMDResponse now inherits from the BodyHeaderManager, just like SPAMCRequest
* 597a041a2ccd7ac1c6bc339ae6786d0116dd4624 Added configuration for Travis CI and updated

This list of changes was [auto generated](</details>

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