* Plug-in formatters and config_loaders * Added ChainFormatter for specify pipeline * cli support url for config * ZlibFormatter + LzmaFormatter * AbstractNestedEntity * Supervisor with queue for children * Identifying the problem at the start of a worker * Mark deprecated modules
* Added support plugins * HttpStorage support timeout and not checks status with return_status * Method HttpStorage.reset_session to session_params * Fixed interactive mode * Added docs articles
* Improved HttpStorage and FileSystemStorage * Added example `monitoring <examples/monitoring>`_ with graphite * Fix match negative number in ini config * Calling a worker launches a coro
* Added commands param in cli * Added classes for ContextProcessor and FileLoader family * Context now contextmanager
* Change grouping cli params (no backward compatibility) * Add cwd in sys.path with cli * Auto execution `func` & add utils.module_path
* Grouping * FieldStorageMixin * Logging level instead root logger level in params cli * find-links param in PipUpdater * Open csv in init coro DictReader queue