
Latest version: v1.4.23

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- ETL - inline and offline dataset transformations, custom user-defined transformations via both user-provided containers and Python scripts, simplified ETL initialization, ETL directly to and from Cloud buckets;

<img src="" width="300">

- Multi-Cloud capability supporting co-existence and management of datasets originating from (or hosted by) different Cloud storages - !2736, !2737, !2748, !2792, !2793;
- Maintenance and decommission - the capability to put a clustered node in maintenance mode and/or safely and permanently remove it from the cluster - 947, !2935, !2957, !2983, !2990, !3094;
- Volume metadata (`VMD`) - persistent information that describes each clustered node's storage configuration (including data drives, local filesystems, `mountpaths`) further used to reinforce data integrity and protection - 939, 941, !3118, !3198;
- New protocol prefix`ht://` - uniform access to "vanilla" HTTP(S) based datasets - 882, 889;
- Terraform integration - easy and automated deployment via Terraform - there's a separate [repository]( (of scripts, charts, and documentation) that we use for production deployments;
- Intra-cluster communications - the transport we use to rebalance user data, transfer erasure-coded slices, copy and transform datasets - a major upgrade !2860, !2895, !2984, !3053, !3055, !3066, !3084, !3085, !3097, !3112, !3181, !3183, !3184, !3187, !3189, !3201, !3265, !3268, !3274, !3286, !3303, !3356, !3357, !3396, !3403, !3409, !3415, !3417.

And also:

- performance optimizations, CLI usability improvements, refactoring, cleanup, and stability fixes across the board.


A new protocol prefix `ht://` (in addition to `s3://`, `gs://`, and `azure://`) for seamless integration and uniform access to "vanilla" HTTP(S) based datasets.

Multi-Cloud via a single deployed runtime. Improved access to public Cloud buckets (from different Cloud providers). Bucket copying and transformations (see **ETL** below) extended to supports Cloud buckets.

- New HTTP provider (`ht://`) - 882, 889
- Multi-Cloud - added runtime support for bucket management of multiple Cloud providers - !2736, !2737
- Support multiple regions for AWS buckets - 778, !2804
- Improve Google provider error handling - !2792, !2793
- Public GCP buckets can be use without setting `PROJECT_ID` - !2723
- Remove default Cloud provider option (provider no must be set explicitly) - 2748
- Support Cloud-based source/destination in a bucket copy operation - !2975
- Prefetch performance improvement: keep cached object properties longer - 969


Improve cluster stability in the presence of exceptional events, optimize cluster operation under heavy workloads, introduce `maintenance mode`, support permanent `decommissioning` of nodes from the cluster, improve the reliability of bucket `destroy` operation, optimize and further stabilize cluster rebalancing logic.

- Node `maintenance` feature - 947, !2935, !2990, !3094
- Improved out-of-space (out of capacity) handling - 822
- `Backend` buckets vs bucket initialization - !2841
- Improve cluster stability while it is in transition (when the primary changes) - 945, 968, 960
- If cluster restarts during rebalancing we will now resume the rebalance - 913
- Optimize `copy-bucket` and other bucket-traversing workloads - 917
- Make promote consistent with other object operations - !2763, !2765
- Add transfer statistics for `resilvering` - !2926
- Configuration option `Rebalance`. Enabled now; affects only automatic rebalance (manual one can always be started - !2915
- Reduce resource usage by `StatsD` (Grafana, Graphite) client - !3240
- New CLI option `--daemon-id` to join a node with user-predefined ID - !3255
- Fix `object rename` operation to work across different `mountpaths` - !3329
- Make `destroy bucket` operation transactional - !3315
- Volume meta data (`VMD`) - persistent information about a node and its storage configuration, used on startup when running node integrity checks - 939, 941, !3118, !3198
- No `metasync` when shutting down - !2844
- Not ignoring errors when listing multiple Cloud providers - !2845
- Refactor `reb` (rebalance) package - !2857
- Refactor target handlers and fix transactions' housekeeping logic - !2869
- Refactor `copy-object` interface - !2879
- Revise and refactor `PROMOTE` (command and API) - !2880
- Refactor target `copy-object` and `put-remote` interfaces - !2881
- Use data mover to copy buckets - !2893
- `LOM`: fix `CopyObject` - !2908
- `cmn.JoinWords` and friends - !2913
- Always allow manual rebalance (even if automatic one is disabled) - !2915
- `Mountpath resilvering` now counts moved objects and their total size - !2926
- Copy buckets to return correct total size of copied content - !2919
- Revise and optimize intra-cluster broadcasting - !2943
- Improve `HrwTargetList` performance - !2945
- Fix zero-size objects scenario - !3531


Multiple improvements and enhancements to the capability (introduced first with v3.2) to easily run user-defined custom dataset transformations - and scale the performance linearly with each added storage server. This release adds *offline* (dataset-to-dataset) transformation.

For ETL documentation (that now also includes animated presentations), please refer to [docs/]( and [etl/](

- Add offline, local and cloud, bucket transformation - !2827, !2854, !2898, !3445
- ETL for objects in the Cloud - !3399
- ETL `build` operation - easy initialization based on the function definition - !2873, !2884, !2918, !3369
- Remove `kubectl` (shell) calls, use K8s `client-go` instead - !2896, !2907
- Support retrieving ETL logs - !2947
- Stability and performance improvements, bug fixes - !2955, !2977, !3330, !3369, !3374, !3411
- Add and improve labels in Pods and Services - !3445
- Improve waiting for the Pod/Service to be ready - !3332, !3397
- Add extension, prefix, and suffix flags for offline ETL - !2846
- Support aborting offline ETL - !2850
- Add dry run option for offline ETL - !2854
- Simplify flow to initialize ETL - !2853
- Consistent naming of API constants - !2861
- ETL build: remove unnecessary annotations - !2871
- Update *skeleton* docker images used to run custom Python-based transforms - !2870
- Install dependencies in `initContainer` - !2873
- POD spec: add volume mount - !2883
- Unify offline ETL with `copy-bucket` - !2898, !2933
- Improve waiting for POD-ready - !2912
- Add`dry-run` capability - !2939
- K8s client: pod namespace & refactoring - !2948
- The capability to throttle ETL (transforms) depending on disk utilizations - !2998

Terraform integration

Dramatically simplified deployment of AIStore cluster on the Cloud via Terraform. This release delivers GKE but can be easily extended to support any Cloud that provides Kubernetes (service). It is now possible to start a fully functional AIStore cluster with a single command - for details, please refer to [AIStore Kubernetes repository](

- Add scripts for easy deployment and shutdown of the AIStore cluster on the cloud - !16, !56-!68, 14, 17
- Add `admin` container image - !3079, !3195, !3359
- Remove requirement for `K8S_HOST_NAME` environment variable - !3451

Information Center (IC)

More reliable extended action (`xaction`) status management and reporting, automatic cluster-wide `xaction` abort, `xaction` progress notifications (**new**). In AIS, `xaction` is a long-lived asynchronous operation, a job.

- Notify all participating nodes when any one of them aborts `xaction` - !2928
- Improve `IC` status reporting by polling `xaction` status from targets that have not reported `xaction` status yet - !2953
- Fix `xaction` registration for newly added targets - !2924
- Support both transactional and non-transactional `xactions` - !2734
- Replace target polling with notifications when waiting for `xaction` to complete - !2868
- `xactions` to return user-friendly status - !2865


Integration with `IC`, more robust downloader job handling.

- Downloader naming; fix `mountpath` register/unregister - !2842
- Better job aborting; improved completion mechanisms - 902, !2960
- Progress Bar: report periodic status and stats to `IC` (see above) - !2911

Distributed Shuffle (`dSort`)

Performance improvements, resource usage optimizations.

- Performance: decrease resource usage - 938
- Better data transport streams handling - 936, !3307

Erasure Coding (EC)

Resource usage optimizations, better slice checksum handling.

- Fix checksum when sending constructed slices to other targets - !3073, !3132
- Improve operation over data transport streams - 916, !3311
- Fix receiving object slices when the bucket is being destroyed - 887
- Add support for nodes in maintenance mode - !3404

Intra-cluster communications

The transport that we use to rebalance user data (e. g., when adding/removing nodes), transfer erasure-coded slices, copy and transform datasets has undergone a major upgrade:

* Add data mover layer - !2860, !2895, !2899
* Support for short messages and message streams - !2984, !3055, !3066, !3084, !3085, !3097, !3112, !3181, !3183, !3184, !3187, !3189, !3201, !3265, !3268, !3274, !3303
* Revise and optimize transport stream multiplexing - !3141
* When done transmitting, wait for data mover quiescence - !2903
* Support streaming *unsized* objects - objects of unknown size - the functionality in particular useful when ETL-transforming objects on the fly (that is, *inline*) - !3356, !3357, !3396, !3403, !3409, !3415, !3417
* Optimize memory management and debug unlikely races: !3053, !3189, !3286, !3298, !3309, !3314, !3319
* `Data mover`: is-open vs quiescent - !2941

CLI (tool)

New command `ais show mountpath`, new option `--keep` for `PROMOTE` operation, allow running certain commands without accessing a cluster, redesigned `ais rm node` command, automatic progress indicator for long `ais ls <bucket>` operations, many fixes for various `show` commands.

- Display EC `xaction` extra information for `ais show xaction` command - 823
- Improve user experience: commands that do not need a cluster do not require the cluster is running - 878, !2914
- Listing bucket objects with the flag `--all` displays all objects (including temporarily misplaced) - 964
- Command `ais cat` now prints only object content, trailing object size information line is removed - !2729
- Cloud bucket can be downloaded without setting backend bucket - !2803
- Added progress indicator when listing a huge bucket - 884, !2786
- Unify `--all` sub-option for all commands - !2843, !3264
- New option for `PROMOTE` command: `--keep` original files after promoting them to objects - !2880
- New command `ais show mountpath` to display target `mountpath` info - !2900, !3387
- Fix displaying rebalance statistics - !3264
- Fix `ais show xaction rebalance` to show the last `xaction` - !3250
- Fix `ais show cluster smap` - !3243
- Revise `ais rm node` command: add mandatory option `--mode` (to choose between node decommission and putting node in maintenance), and optional `--no-rebalance` (to skip rebalance and execute removal immediately) - !2965
- An option to remove all finished download jobs - !2849
- Wait option (flag) - !2876
- New command `ais show mountpath` - !2900
- Fix 'show rebalance' showing rebalance stats - !2954
- Refactor CLI `cat`/`get` top-level commands - !2972


- `aisloader` (benchmark): add progress indicator when listing very large buckets - !2821
- `aisfs`: `APPEND` operation is now checksum-protected - 780
- `build`: use custom image for faster CI, enable more linters, switch to Go 1.15, add memory and CPU profiling options via `make`, upgrade third-party packages - !3235, !3121, !2949, !2916, !2993, !3050
- `CI/CD`: fix k8s development scripts, run many more tests in `minikube` CI, add terraform GCP playground - !2851, !2858, !2980.
- `S3 compatibility`: support AIS buckets with Cloud backend - !3532, 67, 68


* bug fixes and improvements:
- multi-cloud
- Cloud backend
- HTTP(s) datasets
- CLI usability
- AWS regions
- docs
- development playground (docker and Kubernetes)
* add offline ETL (in-dataset => out-dataset, experimental)



- (**new**) ETL offload: support for running custom extract-transform-load workloads on (and by) storage cluster;
- (**new**) TensorFlow integration to support existing training clients that use S3 API - done via `tar2tf` ETL offload that handles on-the-fly TFRecord/tf.Example conversion;

<img src="" alt="ETL 1.0" width="450">

- List objects v2: optimized `list-objects` to greatly reduce response times;
- (**new**) Query objects: extends `list-objects` with advanced filtering capabilities;
- (**new**) Downloader: an option to keep AIS bucket in-sync with a (downloaded) destination;
- (**new**) Information Center (IC), to improve visibility and manageability of the asynchronous batch operations (such as global rebalance, n-way mirroring, erasure coding, ETL, and more);
- (**new**) role-based authentication;
- Distributed Shuffle (dSort) - performance improvements;
- multi-checksumming, with per-dataset configurable checksum and (**new**) support for cryptographic checksums.

And also:

- performance optimizations, CLI usability improvements, erasure coding optimizations, automated no-downtime rebalancing for erasure-coded buckets, refactoring, cleanup, and stability fixes across the board.


Skip already downloaded/existing objects, limit download speed, support Azure Cloud, option to synchronize Cloud into AIS bucket, numerous CLI improvements.

- New API (and CLI) option to keep Cloud bucket and AIS bucket in-sync - 760, !2322
- Throttle download - 726
- Download an entire bucket (an option that specifies a range or list of objects to download can now be omitted) - 759
- Store 3rd party Cloud metadata (version, md5) as part of the AIS object's own metadata; use Cloud metadata for multi-versioning (latest version) and data protection - 701
- Progress Bar when downloading from Cloud - 773
- Downloader to support Azure Cloud - 763
- CLI: download `prefix`-ed objects - !2204
- Fix re-downloading a cloud bucket (skip downloading when have identical local replica) - !2221, !2236
- Downloading a Cloud bucket can be now done only to an AIS bucket that has an associated *cloud backend* - !2241

Distributed Shuffle (dSort)

Reduce/optimize CPU and memory usage. Refactor and stabilize.

- CLI usability and improvements - 768
- Reduce memory usage - !2197
- Number of workers per [mountpath]( to optimize disk utilization - !2263
- CLI: Add support for alternative output shard name formats - !2205
- Use [MessagePack]( instead of JSON for intra-cluster communications - !2262

Authentication server (AuthN)

Replace old basic authentication with a role-based one. Allow a single AuthN server to manage any number of AIS clusters. Add support for both HTTP and HTTPS AIS clusters. More API endpoints require a token issued by AuthN when AuthN is enabled (before this all GET requests worked without any authentication)

- Use BuntDB to persist all authentication data (instead of previously used separate JSON files) - !2146, !2178
- Remove (obsolete) user Cloud credentials management - !2146
- Support multiple AIS clusters with automatic HTTP/HTTPS selection - !2153
- CLI: new AuthN management commands: `add`/`remove`/`show user`/`show cluster` - !2153
- Introduce user roles (admin/cluster owner/bucket owner/read-only) - !2213
- When AuthN is deployed majority of requests to AIS cluster require to carry valid AuthN token (previously only PUT operations) - !2284

List and Query objects

Revised and fast `list-objects`. Reduce memory usage. Use [MessagePack]( Employ bigger pages to speed up listing operations.

Experimental support for the caching - `list-objects` result can now be used across multiple users/requests.

- Massive speed-up via *streamable* listing - 850, 856, 862, 851, !2494
- `list-objects` API is now always paged; remove `-fast` option as obsolete - !2539
- Use [MessagePack]( for intra-cluster communications; optionally, employ [MessagePack]( for client <=> cluster requests as well - !2568
- Additional options to control `list-objects` content: `only-cached`, `include-misplaced` - !2613
- Rename *page marker* as *continuation token* and fix paging the semantics accordingly - !2592
- Use bigger pages (10,000 by default) for AIS buckets; use 10K-size pages for Cloud buckets for `only-cached` option - !2645

Query objects

New API that extends `list-objects` with added support for filtering and selection (a so-called *inner* and outer* SELECT).

- Add `init` and `next` API - 754, !2399
- Use [MessagePack]( instead of JSON (client side) - !2672
- Add support for querying Cloud buckets - !2521

Data protection

No more hardcoded `xxhash` as AIS checksum for objects: any checksum can be selected from a list that currently also includes MD5, SHA, CRC, and can be easily extended.

- Multiple per-bucket configurable checksums - 722, !2154, !2187
- SHA-256 and SHA-512 - !2190
- **Self-healing**: automatic restore of a corrupted object from EC slices and/or mirrored replicas - !2196


Numerous improvements and bug fixes. In particular, new command-line options, shorter commands, better readable output, improved `TAB-TAB` support.

- Show target uptime in `show cluster` - 744
- PUT object from stdin `ais put object bck/obj -` - 748
- `s3://` and `gs://` are aliases for `aws://` and `gcp://` - !1789
- Rename `register` as `join` (as in: join new cluster node) - !1988
- `TAB-TAB` and output improvements - 649, 772, !1888, !1857
- User-provided checksum and end-to-end data protection - 779
- Improve `show cluster` to display a single JSON output - 810
- Add `--chunk-size` option for PUT object - !2164
- Improve `show object command` - !2185
- Add `search` command - !2400
- All `ais start xaction <name>` are now `ais start <name>` - !2448
- Run LRU on a list of specified buckets - allow user to temporarily override bucket's own LRU configuration - !2493
- Improve `set props` command to show what's actually changed - !2479

Erasure Coding (EC)

- Fix sending calculated slices on PUT objects - !2419
- CLI: improve EC stats output - 823
- Improve user experience on PUT - !2366
- CLI: added options `--parity-slices` and `--data-slices` for `ais ec-encode` command` - !2387
- Automatically enable EC when user starts erasure-coding of a given bucket (via `start xaction` or `set props` CLI, for instance) - !2377

Information Center (IC)

To efficiently and optimally monitor asynchronous operations (jobs), AIStore employs what we call Information Center (IC) - a group of gateways that “own” all the currently running (as well as already finished) jobs in the cluster. Those jobs, codenamed eXtended actions, or *xactions*, include global rebalance, n-way mirroring, erasure coding, ETL-type distributed workload, and more. IC continuously monitors all async by coordinating with other clustered nodes.

- Cluster-wide ID for cluster-wide xactions - !2294, !2551
- Intra-cluster notifications for xactions - !2304, !2326, !2321, !2334, !2378, !2355, !2346
- 3 (three) IC members by default - !2561
- Support `list-` and `query-objects` caching - !2570
- Always keep IC members in-sync as far as currently-running and finished async ops - !2639, !2648

Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) locally

- In-cluster ETL v1.0 - 842, !2659, !2660, !2651
- Target and ETL affinity - !2451
- CLI: add support for ETL - !2453
- List all transformations - !2498
- `aisloader`: add support for ETL (for benchmarking) - !2573

AIS loader (`aisloader`)

Support TAR generating and reading. Support ETL benchmarking via included `echo` (at, `md5`, and `tar2tf` ETL containers.

- Add TAR reader - !2585
- Add support for standard `AIS_ENDPOINT` environment variable (options`--port` and `--ip` are still supported) - !2642

Local Playground + Kubernetes (for developers)

- Add `minikube` based Kubernetes development environment - !2456, !2558, !2508
- Enable Kubernetes-based testing on GitLab CI - !2510, !2562
- Enable Kubernetes based tests on Jenkins - !2609, !2685

Build & Release

- Scripts for automating release management; in particular, scripts to upload released AIS binaries - !2597
- An option to build `aisnode` (AIS target and AIS proxy) Alpine Linux-based minimal-footprint docker image - !2709


Make names of used environment variables consistent. Introduce `$trash` directory to keep deleted buckets for a while. Safer and better node startup: assorted APIs are now accessible only *after* the node is up and running.

Extend [Local Playground]( for developers: add K8s [minikube]( .

- Rename a bunch of environment variables used by `ais`/`aisloader`/`cli` for consistency - !2133
- Extend create bucket API (allow setting props) - 782, !2266
- Added special `$trash` directory to put deleted buckets to it - !2351
- Add `minukube` dev deployment - !2456
- Node startup vs availability of assorted APIs - !2601, !2624



- remote AIS clustering and unified global namespace
- Azure Cloud as the 3rd supported Cloud provider (in addition to S3 and Google)
- Amazon S3 API

<img src="" alt="New in 3.1" width="450">

And also:

- TensorFlow integration (to transparently handle TFRecord and tf.Example formats)
- performance optimizations
- CLI usability improvements
- erasure coding optimizations
- automated no-downtime rebalancing for erasure-coded buckets
- refactoring, cleanup, and stability fixes across the board

- remote AIS clustering, unified global namespace: 602, 667, !1937, !1954, !1958, !1959, !1963, !1964, !1965, !1966
- Azure Cloud: !1856
- Amazon S3 API: 690, 691
- TensorFlow integration: 642, !2099
- evict range, delete range, and prefetch range operations are now asynchronous: 641, !1778, !1785
- cluster startup stability fixes and improvements: 707, !2084, !2047
- new environment variable `AIS_PRIMARY_ID`: 706, !2033
- EC rebalance speedup and improvements: 558, 670, !1765
- return 503 (Service Unavailable) when a node is starting up but not ready yet: !2020
- return 403 (Forbidden) when operation on object, bucket, or cluster is not permitted: !2121
- new bucket property `creation_date`: !2010
- new bucket property `backend_bck` for AIS bucket connected to a Cloud one - it contains a name of a parent cloud bucket: !2096
- control-plane cluster-wide 2PC transactions to create, rename, destroy buckets, change bucket properties, etc.: !1852, !1862, !1876, !1844, !1825
- new config option to avoid starting global rebalance at cluster startup (`rebalance.dont_run_time`): !2048
- improved HTTPS support by all AIS built-in clients and components: !2106
- new and extended bucket access permissions: !2121

- new EC rebalance tunable `batch_size`: !1922
- move client-related timeouts to a separate config section (`client`): !1901

- improve object downloading (retrying and checking for existence): !2024, !2026
- fix downloading timeout issue for big objects: !2057
- improve/extend CLI job info (error list, ETA, progress): 725, !2069, !2061, !2062
- new CLI option to limit concurrency while downloading: !2088
- download list of objects from GCP: !2114
- support HTTPS links on the clients' side: !2119

- remote AIS cluster support: 683
- remove `--provider` flag in favor of `provider://bucket_name` syntax: !1763
- simplify `ls` command by moving subcommands to `show` command: !1786
- new command `wait` to wait for xaction/dSort job/download job finishes: 645
- new command `cat` to show object's content: 646
- new commands `attach remote` and `detach remote` (cluster): !1968
- new commands `attach mountpath` and `detach mountpath`: !1986
- new command `set primary`: !2053
- rename `compose` command as `concat`: !1745
- add `--dry-run` flag for `put`, `evict`, `delete`, and `prefetch` commands: 636, !1828
- make `ais put` more intuitive when generating object names from file paths: 640
- ranged prefetch/evict/delete operation uses the same pattern rules as dSort and downloader: !1793
- add bucket namespaces: 602, !1943
- command and flags renamings and regrouping, `TAB-TAB` completion improvements: 649, !1745, !1786, !1763, !1818, !1988, !2006
- fix various panics when processing TAB completions: !1923

- fix object listing (`ls`) for large buckets: 644

- multiple fixes, improvements

- revise/extend AIStore Authentication Server (AuthN)
- add numerous CLI usage examples
- extend and revise Downloader sections
- document CLI to attach, detach and show remote clusters
- revise sections describing cloud providers; add Azure
- rewrite AIStore overview
- cluster rebalance: update docs and CLI

- to support Kubernetes secrets, read security settings from an environment variable: !2130



* new on-disk layout optimized for per-bucket management policies, namespace partitioning, and cloud provider isolation
* in addition to checksum, all metadata is now versioned to support backward compatibility when (and *if*) there are any future changes
* global (cluster-wide) control structures - cluster map and bucket metadata - are now uniformly GUID-protected and compressed
* bucket metadata, in particular, exists in multiple protected copies on data drives of all storage targets
* added AIS as the 3rd fully supported Cloud Provider (in addition to Amazon S3 and Google Cloud)
* global (cluster-wide) rebalancing:
* improved, optimized, and enhanced rebalancing logic
* revised to run stage by (enumerated) stage whereby the stages get synchronized across all targets
* added support for erasure-coded buckets
* stabilized long-running operation in the presence of network failures, drive faults, cluster partitioning, administrative restarts
* will retransmit any migrating object (or EC slice of an object) that didn't get acknowledged
* resilvering: support erasure-coded buckets
* CLI: usability improvements, APPEND, dSort configuration
* AIS FS: namespace caching, config reload/refresh at runtime

- new on-disk layout (580, 578, 594)
- LOM on-disk (604)
- bucket groups and namespaces (!1616, !1608, !1607, !1598, !1597, !1593)
- AIS cluster to cluster connectivity, AIS as a new Cloud Provider (584)
- Smap and BMD cluster-wide consistency (542, !1159, !1154, !1549)
- rebalance erasure coded buckets (577, !1651)
- erasure coding: improve and optimize on-disk metadata representation (!1468)
- configuration changes: versioning (!1461), Cloud Provider (!1572, !1594)
- reliable register (join)/unregister node (!1648)
- improve AWS versioning support (!1471)
- better and more reliable out-of-space handling (!1696)
- memory management and Slab allocation; small-size allocator and its usage for LOM (!1685)
- rebalance/intra-cluster transport: optimize-out heap allocations (!1650)

- usability improvements (!1163)
- new bucket summary (!1505)
- APPEND API (612, !1701)
- allow to override dSort configuration (!1692)
- revise `show xaction` (!1704)

AIS FS: FUSE-based mountable filesystem to access objects as files
- directory caching to optimize POSIX lookups (563, 566, !1469)
- config reload/refresh without unmounting (568)

- ACK and retransmit (583)
- support containerized deployments (570)
- recommence interrupted rebalance upon startup (!1661)

- HEAD object request will now return erasure coding info as well (!1550)
- fast bucket list (ls) now supports paging (!1475)
- (bucket, provider, namespace) triplet structure used across numerous API calls (!1598, !1608, !1616)

- `make` and build: enhancements and improvements to consolidate most of (and most often used) build, run, and test operations (564, !1466, !1483, !1498, !1512)
- add support for Darwin (OSX/Mac) (!1526)

Kubernetes; containerized deployments
- revise node labeling; fix `aisnode` container start script (!1725)
- demo infrastructure for GTC; assorted fixes (!1699)
- `single-node-aistore`: docker image for easy and fast turn-key single-host deployments

- on-disk layout
- multiple corrections and additions

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