Various upgrades.
- More efficient rendering of all renderables.
- Improvements and bugfixes for `VariableTopologyMeshes` (fixed memory leaks, GUI interactions, texture alpha handled correctly).
- Better transparent rendering with reduced artifacts.
- Shadows cast by multiple lights, display shadow frustum. By default, still just one shadow is drawn.
- Change of default value for shadow map to increase quality of shadows.
- Correct rotation of AMASS sequences to y-up.
- Rendering checkerboard floor in a shader for improved efficiency.
- Better fps accounting.
- Various bugfixes.
What's Changed
* Bug fixes, performance improvements and depth pre-pass for transparent objects by ramenguy99 in
* VariableTopologyMeshes loaders by ramenguy99 in
New Contributors
* ramenguy99 made their first contribution in
**Full Changelog**: