AKC-Mamba provides a **production ready**, **complete** experience in deploying a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain Network on Kubernetes (K8S) Clusters.
In version 1.0, AKC-Mamba only supports Amazon EKS, we will gradually roll out support for native Kubernetes or other integrated Kubernetes Service Provider later on.
The 1.0 release includes:
- 1 Root CA (rca)
- 1 Intermediate CA for each organization (ica)
- 1 Kafka Based ordering service
- A Pre-defined number of peer nodes for each organization.
- Bootstraping a sample chaincode in the network
Besides original Hyperledger Fabric, AKC-Mamba uses several inhouse developed tools to help a system administrator to accelerate his work. A list of pre-configured tools are:
- 1 AKC-Admin: administrative tool that expose REST API for Hyperledger Fabric network manipulation
- Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Explorer
- Prometheus service
- Grafana service with a comprehensive dashboard to monitor the system.