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Renaming release !

<p align="center">
<img width="460" src="assets/img/logo_black.svg" alt="AKHQ for Kafka logo" /><br /><br />
<img width="720" src="docs/assets/images/video.gif" alt="AKHQ for Kafka preview" />

KafkaHQ is now AKHQ !
KafkaHQ was renamed as requested by Apache committee due to copyright on Kafka brand name.

Welcome AKHQ with :
- [new repository](https://github.com/tchiotludo/akhq)
- [new home page](https://akhq.io)
- [new docker image](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/tchiotludo/akhq)

:warning: the whole configuration files has changed :warning:


:warning: The configuration file [have changed](https://github.com/tchiotludo/kafkahq/blob/c09be06d175104f4a3509d2a0566f7be781406d8/application.example.yml#L45-L65
) in order to multiple connect server :warning:

* Connect Multicluster (170)
* Inititalize helm template (167)
* Allow configuration of registry client (88)

Bug Fix
* Freemaker: force UTF-8 (172)
* Display Kafka connect error (171)
* webpack: change fonts regex to be windows compatible (165)
* Remove RestServiceCache to avoid credential override between cluster (202)
* Use more common units and names for expressing file size (205)
* Fix connect trace error when no error
* Show a question circle icon if the type of the connector is not present (199)

* Upgrade to kafka 2.4.0
* Upgrade to confluent 5.4


* Groups based security (143)
* Implement LDAP authentication (101)

* Rework all pagination (134, 156, 55)
* Option to hide consumer group on topic list (159)

* Invalid Avro Schema (89)
* Search Url bugfix (155)
* Hide topic data tab when no acls

* Update to micronaut 1.27 & Kafka 2.3.1
* Update all other java deps


* Added user visualisation [131] zthulj
* Added topic regex filter to basic auth users [126] zthulj
* Added "after-offset" filter UI [14] zthulj
* Display the version to the kafkaHQ UI [81] zthulj
* Topic creation configurations [110] ebrard
* Upgrade to micronaut 1.2.4
* Add button "next" and "previous" at the bottom of lists [123]
* Update gradle version

* Pagination, don't complete unused future [55]
* Add pagination on consumer groups page
* Add optional cache on all kafka admin modules call
* Raise default.api.timeout.ms to 15s [94]
* Add a pagination thread configuration to allow parallel resolution of list page [55]

* Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.14 [93]
* Fix connect custom class [108] leosilvadev
* Handle ACL on logs dirs and display n/a if not authorized [111]
* Link error to schema registry with id greater than 1,000 [114]
* Fix multiple registry or connect configuration
* Fix search case [113]
* Prevent pollSizePerPartition from returning 0 when size<<partitionsNb [118] ebrard
* Fix connect basic auth [119] piif
* Fix replication factor [124]

* Add doc on ssl cluster server [92]
* Docs for docker mount point [90]


* Add search box on topic data
* Live tail topic

* Add locking to avoid duplicate kafka api with same args [83, 75 & 55]
* Fix base-path main redirection [87]

![Peek 2019-07-04 21-07](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2064609/60685600-386cf280-9ea4-11e9-800d-22d8d572699d.gif)


Bugfix, few features (monotoring / healthcheck endpoint) & mostly pagination on topics list & schema registry list.
Hope that will enable better response time on biggest cluster.
Community feedback are welcome, with debug log if response time is still slow.
see 55 for more details

* Add pagination on topic list [55]
* Add search box & pagination on schema registry [74]
* Add [monitoring endpoint](https://github.com/tchiotludo/kafkahq#monitoring-endpoint)
* Display schema id on topic page

Bug Fixes
* Fix null key for compacted topic [61]
* Fix data pagination with base path [62]
* Fix bottom button class, without colors on some browers [58]
* Fix Topic config update can erase previous change [71]
* Fix topic data filter with basePath [69]

Dependencies update
* Micronaut 1.1.3
* Kafka 2.2.1

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