Bugfix, few features (monotoring / healthcheck endpoint) & mostly pagination on topics list & schema registry list.
Hope that will enable better response time on biggest cluster.
Community feedback are welcome, with debug log if response time is still slow.
see 55 for more details
* Add pagination on topic list [55]
* Add search box & pagination on schema registry [74]
* Add [monitoring endpoint](https://github.com/tchiotludo/kafkahq#monitoring-endpoint)
* Display schema id on topic page
Bug Fixes
* Fix null key for compacted topic [61]
* Fix data pagination with base path [62]
* Fix bottom button class, without colors on some browers [58]
* Fix Topic config update can erase previous change [71]
* Fix topic data filter with basePath [69]
Dependencies update
* Micronaut 1.1.3
* Kafka 2.2.1