- Post notifications via Notification Center (10.8+ only) - Change documentation theme to Alabaster - Tidy up scripts
Add file locking around `settings.json` to prevent overwriting by different processes (69)
- Prevent workflow from being killed while writing to disk 66 - Context manager and decorator to make your own code more resilient - GET parameters from `params` and the URL are now combined in `web.py` - Add project icon - Add rudimentary Dash docset
Fix a rendering problem of the description on PyPI.
Otherwise no changes. Release is only to maintain parity with PyPI version numbers.
- 27 Fix compatibility with older versions of `security` - 61 Python 2.6 compatibility for 10.6 - 62 Add 2.6 to Travis - Ensure all test modules run without a special environment - Use `tox` for tests
- 57 filter by `min_score` before `max_results`. - 56 Accept empty string for `autocomplete`. If `autocomplete` is set to `""` (empty string), TABbing a result will autocomplete to the keyword