What's Changed * fix: Change profit_loss_pct to List[Optional[float]] in PortfolioHistory model by hiohiohio in https://github.com/alpacahq/alpaca-py/pull/430 * fix: Add Alpaca_APCA ClearingBroker by hiohiohio in https://github.com/alpacahq/alpaca-py/pull/434
What's Changed * chore: Bump black to v24.3.0 by hiohiohio in https://github.com/alpacahq/alpaca-py/pull/425 * Update the default stream URL for options by gnvk in https://github.com/alpacahq/alpaca-py/pull/429 * fix: Fix optional fields of CorporateActionAnnouncement model by hiohiohio in https://github.com/alpacahq/alpaca-py/pull/426
What's Changed * feat: Support options market data api (historical bars/trades and exchange codes) by hiohiohio in https://github.com/alpacahq/alpaca-py/pull/420