Update includes full compatibility with version 3.3 of Vega-Lite.
- Added support for [vega themes](https://github.com/vega/vega-themes) via `alt.themes.enable(theme_name)` (#1539)
- Added an `alt.renderers.disable_max_rows()` method for disabling the maximum rows check (1538)
- Improved user-facing warnings/errors around layering and faceting (1535).
- `data` argument is now properly handled by `Chart.properties` (1525)
- Compound charts (layer, concat, hconcat, vconcat) now move data to the top level by default. In particular, this means that the `facet()` method can now be called directly on a layered chart without having to change how data is specified. (1521)
- `alt.LayerChart` now supports `mark_*()` methods. If a layer specifies a mark at the top level, all child charts will inherit it (unless they override it explicitly).
- `alt.Chart.facet()` now handles wrapped facets; for example: `chart.facet('column_name', columns=5)` See `altair/examples/us_population_over_time_facet.py` for a more complete example.
Bug fixes
- Make `chart.serve()` and `chart.save()` respect the data transformer setting (1538)
- Fixed a deserialization bug for certain chart specs in schemapi (1543)
Backward-Incompatible Changes
- `alt.Chart.facet()` now accepts a wrapped facet encoding as a first positional argument, rather than a row encoding. The following are examples of old invocations, and the equivalent new invocations:
- `chart.facet(row='col1', column='col2')`: unchanged
- `chart.facet('col1', 'col2')`: change to `chart.facet(row='col1', column='col2')`
- `chart.facet('col1')`: change to `chart.facet(row='col1')`
In each case, the new invocations are compatible back to Altair 2.X.
- Several of the encoding channels added in 3.0 have had their capitalization corrected to better match the names used in the schema:
- `alt.Fillopacity` -> `alt.FillOpacity`
- `alt.Strokeopacity` -> `alt.StrokeOpacity`
- `alt.Strokewidth` -> `alt.StrokeWidth`
- `alt.Xerror` -> `alt.XError`
- `alt.Xerror2` -> `alt.XError2`
- `alt.Yerror` -> `alt.YError`
- `alt.Yerror2` -> `alt.YError2`