- YAML support _(YAY! Now we can properly document/comment in config files!)_
- New `quickloader` module
- Support for extending base files via `__extends__` key
- Support for including additional files via `__include__` key
- Better config representation _(e.g. for logs)_ via `as_json()` and
`as_yaml()` methods
- Internal reference variable resolving via `${keys}`
- Support for collapsing multiple nested keys into a single key with dots
like so: ``
- Support for documentation keys in JSON files via the "comment-like"
`__doc__` key
- Way to "comment-out" any keys in JSON by ignoring any keys starting with
a double underscore.
- Support for including environment variables into any value string,
wherever in that string
- The format for environment variable inclusion to `${__ENV__:SOME_ENV_VAR}`
- Refactored structure _(just `from alviss.quickloader import *` and go)_
- The singleton functionality of `BaseConfig` by default and moved it over to