
Latest version: v11.0.0

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Add support for the `Trip Purpose Prediction API <>`_

The Trip Purpose Prediction API returns the probability of whether a round-trip flight itinerary is for business or leisure travel. The API takes flight dates, departure city and arrival city and then applies a machine-learning model trained with Amadeus historical data to determine the probability that the itinerary is for business or leisure travel. This API is useful for gaining insight and optimizing the search and shopping experience.

Add support for the `Hotel Ratings API <>`_

The Hotel Ratings API provides hotel ratings based on automated sentiment analysis algorithm applied on the online reviews. Apart from an overall rating for a hotel also provides ratings for different categories of each (e.g.: staff, pool, internet, location). This provides a key content information for decision making during a shopping experience being able to compare how good a hotel is compared to others, sort hotels by ratings, filter by categories or recommend a hotel based on the trip context.

Release of the `Flight Choice Prediction API <>`_

The Flight Choice Prediction API allows developers to forecast traveler choices in the context of search & shopping. Exposing machine learning & AI services for travel, this API consumes the output of the Flight Low-fare Search API and returns augmented content with probabilities of choices for each flight offers.


Release of the `Points Of Interest API <>`_

The Points Of Interest API, powered by AVUXI TopPlace, is a search API that returns a list of popular places for a particular location. The location can be defined as area bound by four coordinates or as a geographical coordinate with a radius. The popularity of a place or 'point of interest' is determined by AVUXI's proprietary algorithm that considers factors such as ratings, check-ins, category scores among other factors from a host of online media sources.


** Hotel Search v2 has been deployed (Hotel Search v1 is now deprecated) **

** General **
- Remove support of Hotel Search v1
- URLs for all three endpoints have been simplified for ease-of-use and consistency
** Find Hotels - 1st endpoint **
- The parameter `hotels` has been renamed to `hotelIds`
** View Hotel Rooms - 2nd endpoint **
- Update from `'IALONCHO').hotel_offers.get` to ` 'IALONCHO')`
- Now get all images in ‘View Hotels Rooms’ endpoint using the view parameter as `FULL_ALL_IMAGES`
** View Room Details - 3rd endpoint **
- Updated from `'IALONCHO').offer('XXX').get` to `'XXX').get`
- Image category added under Media in the response
- Hotel distance added in the response
- Response now refers to the common HotelOffer object model



Fix pagination URL encoding parameters



`Flight Most Searched Destinations <>`_: Redesign of the API - Split the previous endpoint in 2 endpoints:

- 1st endpoint to find the most searched destinations
- 2nd endpoint to have more data about a dedicated origin & destination

`Flight Most Booked Destinations <>`_:

- Rename origin to originCityCode

`Flight Most Traveled Destinations <>`_:

- Rename origin in originCityCode

`Flight Check-in Links <>`_:

- Rename airline to airlineCode

`Airport & City Search <>`_:

- Remove parameter onlyMajor

`Airport Nearest Relevant <>`_:

- Add radius as parameter

`Airline Code Lookup <>`_:

- Regroup parameters *IATACode* and *ICAOCode* under the same name *airlineCodes*


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