
Latest version: v0.15.4

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_See all documentation for this version [here](

⚠️ Enhancements and optimizations

- Adapt implementation to QRules v0.10 (362 and 347)

🔨 Maintenance

- Import v0.15 refactorings into v0.14 (399)

🖱️ Developer Experience

- Switch to Ruff formatter (398)

_The full changelog as commits can be found [here](


_See all documentation for this version [here](

✨ New features

- Added `UnevaluatableIntegral` class for numerical integration (394)

⚠️ Enhancements and optimizations

- A warning is now raised if an `unevaluated` class defines `_latex_repr` instead of `_latex_repr_` (396)

🐛 Bug fixes

- Fixed latex rendering of certain `unvevaluated` expression classes (389)

📝 Documentation

- Updated links to the new []( website (#387)
- Remove `.html` from page URLs on []( (#388)
- Usage of the `argument()` function is now better documented (396)

🔨 Maintenance

- Methods that are supposed to override methods of the base class are now marked with `override` (397)
- Applied new Ruff preview linting and new `black` formatting (395)

_The full changelog as commits can be found [here](


_See all documentation for this version [here](

⚠️ API changes

- Renamed `unevaluated_expression()` decorator to `unevaluated()` (379)
- Arguments `z` and `angular_momentum` have swapped in `BlattWeisskopfSquared` -- `z` comes first (375)
- `n_events` argument is required in `BoostZMatrix`, `RotationYMatrix`, and `RotationZMatrix` classes (381)
- `UnevaluatedExpression` template and related functions are now deprecated (383)

⚠️ Enhancements and optimizations

- Add support for class attributes in `unevaluated` expression classes (375)
- Add support for default arguments in `unevaluated` expression classes (376)
- Add support to mark specific arguments to `unevaluated` classes as non-sympiable (380)

🐛 Bug fixes

- Sympify `unevaluated` instance attributes (374)

🔨 Maintenance

- Organize `unevaluated` test functions (377)
- Implement all expression classes of the AmpForm library with `unevaluated` (382)

🖱️ Developer Experience

- Show reasons for skipping tests when running `pytest` (378)

_The full changelog as commits can be found [here](


_See all documentation for this version [here](

✨ New features

- Implement `unevaluated_expression()` decorator (365)

📝 Documentation

- Add `CITATION.cff` (356)
- Add Lorentz boost example (352)
- Illustrate how to use `BoostMatrix` (353)
- Link to source code on GitHub with `linkcode` (371)

🔨 Maintenance

- Switch to Ruff as linter (354)
- Test AmpForm on Python 3.12 (366)

🖱️ Developer Experience

- Clean up Sphinx configuration (370)
- Define `docnblive` job in `tox.ini` (373)
- Enable language navigation and linting on Jupyter Lab (357 and 369)
- Link to source code on GitHub with `linkcode` (371)
- Remove `figure_formats = ["svg"]` statement (368)

_The full changelog as commits can be found [here](


_See all documentation for this version [here](

🔨 Maintenance

- Installation is now verified on Python 3.11 (339)
- Version limit has been removed from SymPy dependency (341)

📝 Documentation

- Improve sidebar of the website (344)
- Fix typos in `` (348)

- 🖱️ Developer Experience

- GitHub workflows is now outsourced to [ComPWA/actions]( (#340)
- Log output of `sphinx-build` is now colored (343)

_The full changelog as commits can be found [here](


_See all documentation for this version [here](

🐛 Bug fixes

- `sympy.Indexed` is now accepted as key in `ParameterValues` (336)

🖱️ Developer Experience

- Implemented caching for GitHub Actions workflows (335)

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