Features: - Add response timeout on rpc_provider and subscribe; Fixes: - Miss of messages when call rpc_client inside subscribe or rpc_provide;
Features: - Add sync wrapper of async eventbus(run in separated thread); Fixes: - Raise AutoReconnectionException when cannot handle with eventbus method because of temporary miss of connection;
Features: - Enable to set auto_ack of messages; Fixes: - handle of memory on event confirmation; - Bug on way to set auto_ack, now on instantiation of channel; - Memory leak on dict for each rpc_publish;
Features: - Enable to set prefetch of messages; - Enable to set uri as config option; Fixes: - Use a separate channel to publish and consume messages on rpc client and rpc provider; - Raise timeout on publish confirmation; - Variable channel can be None;
Features: - Automatic creation and management of queues, exchanges and channels; - Automatic reconnection; - Support for direct, topic and fanout exchanges; - Publish; - Subscribe; - Support for a Remote procedure call (RPC).