
Latest version: v0.1.7

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* **BUGFIX**:
* :code:`LogProcess.handle_asqueue()` uses :code:`self.asqueue.get()` which could get stuck


* :code:`AMQPLogHandler` takes optional Argument
* **IMPORTANT**: The Exchange gets declared everytime so make sure the config stays the same
* :code:`AMQPLogHandler` got reworked to use a topic exchange
* it will only log everything which got transferred to the log process while the parent process was running


* :code:`AMQPClient` has new Function :code:`close()` to close the AMQP connection
* :code:`AMQPLogHandler` got reworked to work without throwing an error
* it will only log everything which got transferred to the log process while the parent process was running


* :code:`AMQPService.serve()` had a 'memory leak'. Now it does not Recreate :code:`Queues` instead it redeclares the old ones.


* :code:`AMQPFunction` Exception handlers now get the Exception which occured passed as keyword argument :code:`exc`


* :code:`AMQPService` should now no longer crash if an :code:`AMQPFunction` Exception is not catched.
* :code:`AMQPFunction` Excpetion Handlers now use isinstance instead of an exact class match
* :code:`Exception` should now catch all Exceptions
* NOTE: The priority of handling is the same order as the handlers were added. That means if you added an handler for :code:`Exception` first it will catch all errors.

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