- [56] Always populate module when users import it - [56] Provide doc links and improved docstrings
- [52] Sort indices prior to conversion from csr/csc matrices to avoid
> invalid class “dgRMatrix/dgCMatrix” object: slot j/i is not increasing inside a column
- [53] Harden generic function converting `SexpS4` objects when they’re objects, by allowing `dim(object)` to return `NULL`.
- [49] Converts `OverLoadedDict`s introduced in theislab/anndata337 ([anndata 0.7.2](https://anndata.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release-notes.html#v0.7.2))
- [41] Factors in `rowData`/`colData` are now correctly converted to categoricals - [41] Caching R packages speeds up everything a bit
- [36] README improvements - [37] Travis CI works - [37] BioConductor 3.10 is supported (S4Vectors renamed its “DataFrame” to “DFrame”)
- Add a README - [13] Support scipy types (sparse matrices) - [51338b8] Support uns - [fcc8ea9] Support obsm↔reducedDims - [ceca16a] Support obs_names/var_names - Tons of other fixes