
Latest version: v1.9.2

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- added setup.cfg file
- Merge branch \'develop\' of into
- changed setup.cfg to work on python 2.6.6
- actually, python 2.6.6 on RH, centos etc has OrderedDict
- Merge pull request 55 from JensTimmerman/develop
- Prevent IndexError while handling CursorMoveUp
- Merge pull request 56 from lqez/fix/over-cursormoveup
- style: Include all 16 solarized colors in the scheme
- style: Encode pallete in 256 color encoding
- Merge pull request 57 from tbabej/develop
- Update travis config.
- Fix existing test suite.
- Fill out color palettes that were under-specified.
- Merge branch \'feature/fixes\' into develop
- Fix line height stuff.
- Fix tests for the new palette values.


- Implemented LaTeX support. Only colors are supported but it does
already what I need.
- Updated README.rst.
- Added first test for LaTeX output.
- Added title and linkify for LaTeX.
- Trying to fix
- Fixed unicode escape problem. Fixes
- Sure % has a special meaning ...
- Merge pull request 48 from ypid/ansi2latex
- set pre\'s id to \"content\"
- the css
- Merge pull request 50 from szepeviktor/patch-2
- Merge pull request 52 from szepeviktor/patch-3
- Use the data_files that we build above.


- 1.0.5
- use optparse choices to deal with invalid scheme selection.
- added solarized and os X terminal color schemes
- Merge pull request 41 from schettino72/more-schemes
- Revert \"Conditionally install man page into system or virtualenv.
For 39.\"
- Install man page to \${PREFIX}, not /usr (issue 39)
- Merge pull request 42 from hartwork/issue-39
- add empty title element to head section in html output
- Merge pull request 43 from CBke/develop
- 1.0.4
- 1.0.5
- Fix tests for added title.
- add option \--title for filling in the title
- Merge pull request 44 from CBke/develop
- Drop manpage installation stuff.


- added support to select a color-scheme. added schemes \'xterm\' and
- Merge pull request 40 from schettino72/color-schemes
- 1.0.4
- 1.0.4



- Makefile: Fix regression where version bumps would not force a
rebuild of the man page
- Makefile: Mark target upload as phony
- Merge pull request 38 from hartwork/dependency-regression
- Conditionally install man page into system or virtualenv. For 39.

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