------------------ - Got rid of all the _query_ stuff in the various descriptions. This filter only reads, and writes LDIF. [atterdag] - Renamed ansible playbook 'play.yml' to 'playbook.yml' to make it more clear how to run it. [atterdag] - Improved name of task in example playbook. [atterdag]
------------------ - I kinda broke my setup.py so it didn't include the actual python code. [atterdag]
------------------ - First travis pipeline. [atterdag] - Replaced jenkins with travis build status icon. [atterdag] - Forgot to add dist/* as argument for twine check. [atterdag]
------------------ - 2nd attempt tp upload. [atterdag] - Fixed formatting errors in README.rst. [Valdemar Lemche] - Initial version of module, and files to support pushing code to pipy. [atterdag]