- Return secret version when reading kv v2 secret. [Albin Kerouanton]
- Transform lease TTLs into ints. [Albin Kerouanton]
- Removed static role_type oidc. [Alex Vermulst]
- Advise against strings in hashivault_pki_role params. [Albin
- Fix docs build. [Terry Howe]
- Argspec['password_policy'] [Piotr Grabowski]
- Password_policy. [Piotr Grabowski]
- Pass cas value to hvac when kv-v2 backend is used. [Albin Kerouanton]
- Rekey docs clarification. [Terry Howe]
- Work if no token_bound_cidr. [Terry Howe]
- Remove tests for deprecated modules. [Terry Howe]
- Reduce tests to 3.9. [Terry Howe]
- Introduce support for PKI allowed_domains_template. [Eric Trexel]
- Add token_type option to k8s_auth_role. [ayav09]
- Initial github actions workflow. [ayav09]
- Pep8 fixes. [ayav09]
- Replace deprecated hvac userpass methods. [ayav09]