Changed ------- * The 'properties' of AnsibleHost, AnsibleGroup, and AnsibleInventory classes now return copies on internal objects instead of direct references. This is ``backward incompatible`` hence major version update in required.
Changed ------- * AnsibleGroup.children will return a list of AnsibleGroup objects instead of a list of strings. This breaks backward compatibility. * Updated README with usage of all objects.
Changed ------- * Fixed README formatting bugs
Added ----- * Added wiki page and API usage in README
Added ----- * Added more test cases to improve code coverage
Removed ------- * Removed unused child() method from AnsibleGroup
Changed ------- * Major version upgrade, incompatibile with previous versions. * Code is now more object oriented. The hosts, groups and inventory are now represented by objects with suitable attributes and operations. * The example code was also modified to reflect new code changes.