- Add scope support.
- Add annotated type hints support (PEP-593).
- Add async injection support.
- Multiple factories can be defined for the same class.
- Cleaner testing support, by separating explicitly the case where test existing
dependencies or want to create new ones.
- All methods of :py:class:`.Service`, :py:class:`.Factory` and :py:class:`.Constants`
are automatically wired to support annotated type hints anywhere.
Breaking changes
- Remove :code:`public` configuration for :py:class:`.Factory` and :py:class:`.Constants`.
They didn't really bring any value, you hardly hide anything in Python.
- Removed tags. They didn't bring enough value.
- Reworked :py:func:`.inject`: it will only inject annotated type, nothing else anymore.
:code:`use_type_hint` has been replaced by :code:`auto_provide` and :code:`use_names`
has been removed.
- Reworked :py:class:`.Constants` to be more flexible.
- Removed :code:`world.singletons`. There was no way to track back where a singleton
was defined.
- Reworked :py:class:`.Wiring` to be simpler, not super class wiring