.. warning::
This version break the compatibility with previous version. The goal
is to use all the functionnality of pyramid, and give the tools to make
the bind with AnyBlok easily
* [REM] remove old Controller declarations:
* Declarations.Pyramid
* Declarations.PyramidHTTP
* Declarations.PyramidJSONRPC
* Declarations.PyramidXMLRPC
* [ADD] add anyblok request property
registry = request.anyblok.registry
* [ADD] installed_blok predicate for route and view
view_config(route_name='hello', installed_blok='my-blok')
def say_hello(request):
* [ADD] need_anyblok_registry predicate for route and view
view_config(route_name='hello', need_anyblok_registry=True)
def say_hello(request):