------------------- - launchpad 1000352: fixed a concrete problem in Bzr reraising
----------------- - launchpad 1000352: option vcs-clear-retry to retrieve from scratch in case of diverged Bzr branches. Raising UpdateError in right place would trigger the same for other VCSes. - Basic tests for Git and Svn - Refactor with classes of VCS package
------------------- - launchpad 997107: fixed vcs-clear-locks option for bzr, that requires a user confirmation that cannot be bypassed in older versions
----------------- - launchpad 998404: more robust calls to hg and bzr (w/ unit tests), and have exception raised if vcs call failed (break early, break often). - launchpad 997107: vcs-clear-locks option (currently interpreted by Bzr only)
----------------- - launchpad 993362: addons subdir option, and made repositories being one addon usable by creating an intermediate directory.
- Faster tarball inspection (see lp issue 984237) - Shared downloads and more generally configurable downloads directory, see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/anybox.recipe.openerp/+spec/shared-downloads