
Latest version: v2.10.0

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Apache Airflow API version: 2.3.x

Major changes:

- NA

Major fixes:

- NA

New API supported:

- PATCH /dags | Update DAGs
- GET /dags/{dag_id}/dagRuns/{dag_run_id}/taskInstances/{task_id}/{map_index} | Get a mapped task instance
- GET /dags/{dag_id}/dagRuns/{dag_run_id}/taskInstances/{task_id}/listMapped | List mapped task instances


Apache Airflow API version: 2.2.x

Major changes:

- Client code is generated using OpenApi's 5.3.0 generator CLI

Major fixes:

- NA

New API supported:

- POST /connections/test | Test a connection
- DELETE /dags/{dag_id} | Delete a DAG
- PATCH /dags/{dag_id}/dagRuns/{dag_run_id} | Modify a DAG run
- DELETE /users/{username} | Delete a user
- PATCH /users/{username} | Update a user
- POST /users | Create a user


Apache Airflow API version: 2.1.x

Major changes:

- Client code is generated using OpenApi's 5.1.1 generator CLI

Major fixes:

- Fixed the iteration issue on array items caused by unsupported class 'object'.
Issue [15](https://github.com/apache/airflow-client-python/issues/15)

New API supported:

- Permissions
- Plugins
- Providers
- Roles
- Users


Apache Airflow API version: 2.0.x

Initial version of the Python client.


Log of user operations via CLI or Web UI.

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**dag_id** | **str, none_type** | The DAG ID | [optional] [readonly]
**event** | **str** | A key describing the type of event. | [optional] [readonly]
**event_log_id** | **int** | The event log ID | [optional] [readonly]
**execution_date** | **datetime, none_type** | When the event was dispatched for an object having execution_date, the value of this field. | [optional] [readonly]
**extra** | **str, none_type** | Other information that was not included in the other fields, e.g. the complete CLI command. | [optional] [readonly]
**map_index** | **int, none_type** | The Map Index | [optional] [readonly]
**owner** | **str, none_type** | Name of the user who triggered these events a. | [optional] [readonly]
**run_id** | **str, none_type** | The DAG Run ID | [optional] [readonly]
**task_id** | **str, none_type** | The Task ID | [optional] [readonly]
**try_number** | **int, none_type** | The Try Number | [optional] [readonly]
**when** | **datetime** | The time when these events happened. | [optional] [readonly]
**any string name** | **bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type** | any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type | [optional]

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