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- If the file exists, read pricing data from ~/.libcloud/pricing.json
by default. If the file doesn't exist, fall back to the old behavior
and use pricing data which is bundled with the release.
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Add libcloud.pricing.download_pricing_file function for downloading and
updating the pricing file.
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Fix libcloud.utils.py3.urlquote so it works with unicode strings under
Python 2. (LIBCLOUD-429)
[Michael Farrell]


- Refactor Rackspace driver classes and make them easier to use. Now there
are two Rackspace provider constants - Provider.RACKSPACE which
represents new next-gen OpenStack servers and
Provider.RACKSPACE_FIRST_GEN which represents old first-gen cloud

Note: This change is backward incompatible. For more information on those
changes and how to update your code, please visit "Upgrade Notes"
documentation page - http://s.apache.org/lc0140un
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Deprecate the following EC2 provider constants: EC2_US_EAST,
EC2_US_WEST_OREGON, EC2_SA_EAST, EC2_SA_EAST and replace it with a new
EC2 constant.
Driver referenced by this new constant now takes a "region" argument which
dictates to which region to connect.

Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
release. For more information on those changes and how to update your
code, please visit "Upgrade Notes" documentation page -
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Add support for volume related functions to OpenNebula driver.
[Emanuele Rocca]

- Add methods for managing storage volumes to the OpenStack driver.
[Bernard Kerckenaere]

- Add new driver for Google Compute Engine (LIBCLOUD-266, LIBCLOUD-386)
[Rick Wright]

- Fix create_node "features" metadata and update affected drivers.
[John Carr]

- Update EC2 driver to accept the auth kwarg (it will accept NodeAuthSSH
objects and automatically import a public key that is not already
uploaded to the EC2 keyring). (Follow on from LIBCLOUD-367).
[John Carr]

- Unify extension argument names for assigning a node to security groups
in EC2 and OpenStack driver.
Argument in the EC2 driver has been renamed from ex_securitygroup to
ex_security_groups. For backward compatibility reasons, old argument
will continue to work until the next major release. (LIBCLOUD-375)
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Add ex_import_keypair_from_string and ex_import_keypair method to the
CloudStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-380)
[Sebastien Goasguen]

- Add support for managing floating IP addresses to the OpenStack driver.
[Ivan Kusalic]

- Add extension methods for handling port forwarding to the CloudStack
driver, rename CloudStackForwardingRule class to
CloudStackIPForwardingRule. (LIBCLOUD-348, LIBCLOUD-381)
[sebastien goasguen]

- Hook up deploy_node functionality in the CloudStack driver and unify
extension arguments for handling security groups. (LIBCLOUD-388)
[sebastien goasguen]

- Allow user to pass "args" argument to the ScriptDeployment and
ScriptFileDeployment class. This argument tells which command line
arguments get passed to the ScriptDeployment script. (LIBCLOUD-394)

Note: This change is backward incompatible. For more information on how
this affects your code and how to update it, visit "Upgrade Notes"
documentation page - http://s.apache.org/lc0140un
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Allow user to specify IAM profile to use when creating an EC2 node.
[Xavier Barbosa]

- Add support for keypair management to the OpenStack driver.
[L. Schaub]

- Allow user to specify disk partitioning mode using ex_disk_config argument
in the OpenStack based drivers. (LIBCLOUD-402)
[Brian Curtin]

- Add new driver for NephoScale provider (http://nephoscale.com/).
[Markos Gogoulos]

- Update network related extension methods so they work correctly with
both, OpenStack and Rackspace driver. (LIBCLOUD-368)
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Add tests for networking functionality in the OpenStack and Rackspace
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Allow user to pass all supported extension arguments to ex_rebuild_server
method in the OpenStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-408)
[Dave King]

- Add pricing information for Rackspace Cloud Sydney region.
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Update EC2 instance type map and pricing data. High Storage instances are
now also available in Sydney and Singapore region.
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Add new methods for managing storage volumes and snapshots to the EC2
driver (list_volumes, list_snapshots, destroy_volume_snapshot,
create_volume_snapshot) (LIBCLOUD-409)
[Oleg Suharev]

- Add the following new extension methods to EC2 driver: ex_destroy_image,
ex_modify_instance_attributes, ex_delete_keypair. (LIBCLOUD-409)
[Oleg Suharev]

- Allow user to specify a port range when creating a port forwarding rule.
[Oleg Suharev]

- Align Joyent driver with other drivers and deprecate "location" argument
in the driver constructor in favor of "region" argument.

Note: Deprecated argument will continue to work until the next major
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Deprecate the following ElasticHosts provider constants: ELASTICHOSTS_UK1,
new ELASTICHOSTS constant.
Driver referenced by this new constant now takes a "region" argument which
dictates to which region to connect.

Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
release. For more information on those changes and how to update your
code, please visit "Upgrade Notes" documentation page -
http://s.apache.org/lc0140un (LIBCLOUD-383)
[Michael Bennett, Tomaz Muraus]

- Add log statements to our ParamikoSSHClient wrapper. This should make
debugging deployment issues easier. (LIBCLOUD-414)
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Add new "NodeState.STOPPED" node state. Update HostVirual and EC2 driver to
also recognize this new state. (LIBCLOUD-296)
[Jayy Vis]

- Add new Hong Kong endpoint to Rackspace driver.
[Brian Curtin]

- Fix ex_delete_keypair method in the EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-415)
[Oleg Suharev]

- Add the following new extension methods for elastic IP management to the
EC2 driver: ex_allocate_address, ex_disassociate_address,
ex_release_address. (LIBCLOUD-417)
[Patrick Armstrong]

- For consistency and accuracy, rename "ex_associate_addresses" method in the
EC2 driver to "ex_associate_address_with_node".

Note: Old method will continue to work until the next major release.
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Add new driver for CloudFrames (http://www.cloudfounders.com/CloudFrames)
provider. (LIBCLOUD-358)
[Bernard Kerckenaere]

- Update default kernel versions which are used when creating a Linode

Old default kernel versions:

- x86 -
- x86_64 -

New default kernel versions:

- x86 - 3.9.3-x86-linode52
- x86_64 - 3.9.3-x86_64-linode33

[Tomaz Muraus, Jon Chen]

- Disable cache busting functionality in the OpenStack and Rackspace next-gen
driver and enable it only for Rackspace first-gen driver.
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Update Google Compute Engine driver to v1beta16.
[Rick Wright]

- Modify auth_url variable in the OpenStack drivers so it works more like
users would expect it to.

Previously path specified in the auth_url was ignored and only protocol,
hostname and port were used. Now user can provide a full url for the
auth_url variable and the path provided in the url is also used.
[DaeMyung Kang, Tomaz Muraus]

- Allow user to associate arbitrary key/value pairs with a node by passing
"ex_metadata" argument (dictionary) to create_node method in the EC2
Those values are associated with a node using tags functionality.
[Ivan Kusalic]

- Add "ex_get_metadata" method to EC2 and OpenStack driver. This method reads
metadata dictionary from the Node object. (LIBCLOUD-395)
[Ivan Kusalic]

- Multiple improvements in the Softlayer driver:
- Map "INITIATING" node state to NodeState.PENDING
- If node is launching remap "halted" state to "pending"
- Add more node sizes
- Add ex_stop_node and ex_start_node method
- Update tests response fixtures

[Markos Gogoulos]

- Modify list_sizes method in the KT UCloud driver to work, even if the item
doesn't have 'diskofferingid' attribute. (LIBCLOUD-435)
[DaeMyung Kang]

- Add new c3 instance types to the EC2 driver.
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Fix an issue with the ex_list_keypairs and ex_list_security_groups method
in the CloudStack driver which caused an exception to be thrown if the API
returned no keypairs / security groups.
[Carlos Reategui, Tomaz Muraus]

- Fix a bug in the OpenStack based drivers with not correctly checking if the
auth token has expired before re-using it. (LIBCLOUD-428)

Reported by Michael Farrell.
[Tomaz Muraus, Michael Farrell]


- Deprecate CLOUDFILES_US and CLOUDFILES_UK provider constant and replace
it with a new CLOUDFILES constant.
Driver referenced by this new constant takes a "region" keyword argument
which can be one of 'ord', 'dfw', 'iad', 'syd', 'lon'.

Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
For more information on this change, please visit "Upgrade Notes"
documentation section - http://s.apache.org/lc0140un
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Allow users to filter objects starting with a prefix by passing ex_prefix
argument to the list_container_objects method in the S3, Google Storage
and CloudFiles driver. (LIBCLOUD-369)
[Stefan Friesel]

- Fix an issue with mutating connectionCls.host attribute in the Azure
driver. This bug prevented user from having multiple Azure drivers with
different keys instantiated at the same time. (LIBCLOUD-399)
[Olivier Grisel]

- Add a new driver for KT UCloud based on the OpenStack Swift driver.
[DaeMyung Kang]

Load Balancer

- Deprecate RACKSPACE_US and RACKSPACE_UK provider constant and replace it
with a new RACKSPACE constant.
Driver referenced by this new constant takes a "region" keyword argument
which can be one of the following: 'ord', 'dfw', 'iad', 'syd', 'lon'.

Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
For more information on this change, please visit "Upgrade Notes"
documentation section - http://s.apache.org/lc0140un
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Add new driver for Google Compute Engine (LIBCLOUD-386)
[Rick Wright]

- Add new Hong Kong endpoint to Rackspace driver.
[Brian Curtin]


- Deprecate RACKSPACE_US and RACKSPACE_UK provider constant and replace it
with a new RACKSPACE constant.
Driver referenced by this new constant takes a "region" keyword argument
which can be one of the following: 'us', 'uk'.

Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
For more information on this change, please visit "Upgrade Notes"
documentation section - http://s.apache.org/lc0140un
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Use string instead of integer for RecordType ENUM value.

Note: If you directly use an integer instead of RecordType ENUM class you
need to update your code to use the RecordType ENUM otherwise the code
won't work. For more information on how to do that, see "Upgrade Notes"
documentation section - http://s.apache.org/lc0140un
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Add "export_zone_to_bind_format" and export_zone_to_bind_zone_file method
which allows users to export Libcloud Zone to BIND zone format.
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Update issue with inexistent zone / record handling in the get_zone and
get_record method in the Linode driver. Those issues were related to
changes in the Linode API. (LIBCLOUD-425)
[Jon Chen]




- Send "scrub_data" query parameter when destroying a DigitalOcean node.
This will cause disk to be scrubbed (overwritten with 0's) when destroying
a node. (LIBCLOUD-487)

Note: This fixes a security issue with a potential leak of data contained
on the destroyed node which only affects users of the DigitalOcean driver.
[Tomaz Muraus]


Not secure


- Don't sent Content-Length: 0 header with POST and PUT request if "raw"
mode is used. This fixes a regression which could cause broken behavior
in some storage driver when uploading a file from disk.
[Ivan Kusalic]


- Added Ubuntu Linux 12.04 image to ElasticHost driver image list.
[Bob Thompson]

- Update ElasticHosts driver to store drive UUID in the node 'extra' field.
[Bob Thompson]


- Store last_modified timestamp in the Object extra dictionary in the S3
driver. (LIBCLOUD-373)
[Stefan Friesel]

Load Balancer

- Expose CloudStack driver directly through the Provider.CLOUDSTACK
[Tomaz Muraus]


- Modify Zerigo driver to include record TTL in the record 'extra' attribute
if a record has a TTL set.
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Modify values in the Record 'extra' dictionary attribute in the Zerigo DNS
driver to be set to None instead of an empty string ('') if a value for
the provided key is not set.
[Tomaz Muraus]


Not secure


- Fix a regression introduced in 0.13.0 and make sure to include
Content-Length 0 with PUT and POST requests. (LIBCLOUD-362, LIBCLOUD-390)
[Tomaz Muraus]


- Fix a bug in the ElasticHosts driver and check for right HTTP status
code when determining drive imaging success. (LIBCLOUD-363)
[Bob Thompson]

- Update Opsource driver to include node public ip address (if available).
[Michael Bennett]


- Fix a regression with calling encode_container_name instead of
encode_object_name on object name in get_object method.
Reported by Ben Meng (LIBCLOUD-366)
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Ensure that AWS S3 multipart upload works for small iterators.
[Mahendra M]


Not secure


- Add homebrew curl-ca-bundle path to CA_CERTS_PATH. This will make Libcloud
use homebrew curl ca bundle file (if available) for server certificate
validation. (LIBCLOUD-324)
[Robert Chiniquy]

- Modify OpenStackAuthConnection and change auth_token_expires attribute to
be a datetime object instead of a string.
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Modify OpenStackAuthConnection to support re-using of the existing auth
token if it's still valid instead of re-authenticating on every
authenticate() call.
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Modify base Connection class to not send Content-Length header if body is
not provided.
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Add the new error class ProviderError and modify InvalidCredsError to
inherit from it. (LIBCLOUD-331)
[Jayy Vis]


- Add unittest2 library dependency for tests and update some tests to use
[Tomaz Muraus]


- Fix destroy_node method in the experimental libvirt driver.
[Aymen Fitati]

- Add ex_start_node method to the Joyent driver. (LIBCLOUD-319)

- Fix Python 3 compatibility issue in the ScriptFileDeployment class.
[Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis]

- Add ex_set_metadata_entry and ex_get_metadata method to the VCloud driver.
[Michel Samia]

- Various improvements and bug-fixes in the VCloud driver. (LIBCLOUD-323)
[Michel Samia]

- Various bug fixes and improvements in the HostVirtual driver.
[Dinesh Bhoopathy]

- Modify list_sizes method in the OpenStack driver to include
OpenStackNodeSize object which includes 'vcpus' attribute which holds
a number of virtual CPUs for this size. (LIBCLOUD-325)

- For consistency rename "ex_describe_keypairs" method in the EC2 driver to
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Modify "ex_describe_keypair" method to return key fingerprint in the
return value. (LIBCLOUD-326)
[Andre Merzky, Tomaz Muraus]

- Populate private_ips attribute in the CloudStack drive when returning
a Node object from the create_node method. (LIBCLOUD-329)
[Sebastien Goasguen, Tomaz Muraus]

- Allow user to pass extra arguments via "extra_args" argument which are
then passed to the "deployVirtualMachine" call in the CloudStack driver
create_node method. (LIBCLOUD-330)
[Sebastien Goasguen, Tomaz Muraus]

- Update Gandi driver to handle new billing model. (LIBCLOUD-317)
[Aymeric Barantal]

- Fix a bug in the Linode driver and remove extra newline which is added
when generating a random root password in create_node. (LIBCLOUD-334)
[Juan Carlos Moreno]

- Add extension methods for managing keypairs to the CloudStack driver.
[sebastien goasguen]

- Add extension methods for managing security groups to the CloudStack
driver. (LIBCLOUD-332)
[sebastien goasguen]

- Add extension methods for starting and stoping the node to the
CloudStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-338)
[sebastien goasguen]

- Fix old _wait_until_running method. (LIBCLOUD-339)
[Bob Thompson]

- Allow user to override default async task completion timeout by
specifying ex_clone_timeout argument. (LIBCLOUD-340)
[Michal Galet]

- Fix a bug in the GoGrid driver get_uuid method. (LIBCLOUD-341)
[Bob Thompson]

- Fix a bug with deploy_node not respecting 'timeout' kwarg.
[Kevin Carter]

- Modify create_node method in CloudStack driver to return an instance of
CloudStackNode and add a new "expunging" node state. (LIBCLOUD-345)
[sebastien goasguen]

- Update API endpoint hostnames in the ElasticHost driver and use hostnames
which return a valid SSL certificate. (LIBCLOUD-346)
[Bob Thompson]

- Add ex_list_networks method and missing tests for list_templates to the
CloudStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-349)
[Philipp Strube]

- Correctly throw InvalidCredsError if user passes invalid credentials to
the DigitalOcean driver.
[Tomaz Muraus]


- Fix an issue with double encoding the container name in the CloudFiles
driver upload_object method.
Also properly encode container and object name used in the HTTP request
in the get_container and get_object method. (LIBCLOUD-328)
[Tomaz Muraus]

Load Balancer

- Add ex_list_current_usage method to the Rackspace driver.


Not secure


- Fix a regression in Softlayer driver caused by the xmlrpclib changes.
[Jason Johnson]

- Allow user to pass alternate ssh usernames to deploy_node
(ssh_alternate_usernames kwarg) which are used for authentication if the
default one doesn't work. (LIBCLOUD-309)
[Chris Psaltis, Tomaz Muraus]

- Fix a bug in EC2 list_locations method - 'name' attribute didn't contain a
the right value.
[Tomaz Muraus]

- Add new ScriptFileDeployment deployment class which reads deploy script
from a file.
[Rudolf J Streif]

- Add support for API version 5.1 to the vCloud driver and accept any value
which is a multiple of four for ex_vm_memory kwarg in create_node method.
[Trevor Powell]


- Fix a regression with removed ex_force_service_region constructor kwarg in
the CloudFiles driver. (LIBCLOUD-260)

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