GeoSpark 0.6.0 is the sixth release on GeoSpark 0.X line. This release is compatible with Apache Spark 2.X line.
**Major updates:** (1) DistanceJoin is merged into JoinQuery. GeoSpark now supports complete DistanceJoin between Points, Polygons, and LineStrings. (2) Add Refine Phase to Spatial Range and Join Query. Use real polygon coordinates instead of its MBR to filter the final results. **API changes:** All spatial range and join queries now take a parameter called *ConsiderBoundaryIntersection*. This will tell GeoSpark whether returns the objects intersect with windows.
GeoSpark 0.5.3 is a maintenance release on GeoSpark 0.5.X. This release is compatible with Apache Spark 1.X line.
**Bug fix:** Fix [Issue 69]( Now, if two objects have the same coordinates but different non-spatial attributes (UserData), GeoSpark treats them as different objects.