
Latest version: v4.4.2

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- Docker: Added MQTT vars to - contributed by [Xavi


- Fixed issue whereby [turn_on]{.title-ref}, [turn_off]{.title-ref}
and [toggle]{.title-ref} for some HASS entities didn\'t work
- Fixed issue whereby [render_template]{.title-ref} didn\'t work

**Breaking Changes**




- Released new AppDaemon Admin User Interface
- Added support for passing a list of events to
[listen_event]{.title-ref} api
- Added support for passing a list of entities to
[listen_state]{.title-ref} api
- Clicking on a sequence name in AUI will now run the sequence
- Added support for entity class alongeside [get_entity]{.title-ref}
and [get_entity_api]{.title-ref} functions
- Added the [wait_state]{.title-ref} command for sequences, so a
sequence can be paused until an entity or its attribute has a
certain state
- Added the [sequence/cancel]{.title-ref} service call. So sequences
can be cancelled
- Added the ability to specify a high level namespace in sequence, so
no need specifying per command
- Allowed for running or cancelling sequences using either entity_id
or the sequences name
- Added [constrain_state]{.title-ref} functionality with support for
lambda functions


- Pinned socketio modules to fix a version mismatch
- Removed try/catch clause that broke dashboard for iOS 10 users -
contributed by [Christian Lyra](
- Fixed the possibility of having [check_app_updates]{.title-ref}
being a negative value
- Fix for Hass services not being captured after startup again
- Fixed issue whereby [.git]{.title-ref} paths where being imported
into AD and leading to lots of unnecessary messages.
- Fixed issue with AD being unable to refresh Plugin\'s entities
- Fixed issue with using the [loop]{.title-ref} in sequences for
certain services
- Fixed issue whereby the wrong the wrong timeout error was being
captured, when running a coroutine
- Documentation fixes - contributed by
- Documentation fixes - contributed by
- Documentation fixes - contributed by
- Documentation fixes - contributed by
- Documentation fixes - contributed by
- Fixed a long standing bug in set_state ofr HASS plugin where
attributes would get overwritten when setting the main state
- Bumped voluptuous from 0.12.1 to 0.12.2
- Bumped azure-storage-blob from 12.8.1 to 12.9.0
- Bumped azure-mgmt-storage from 17.1.0 to 19.0.0
- Bumped azure-mgmt-resource from 19.0.0 to 20.0.0
- Bumped azure-mgmt-compute from 22.1.0 to 23.1.0
- Bumped iso8601 from 0.1.16 to 1.0.2
- Bumped yarl from 1.6.3 to 1.7.2
- Bumped paho-mqtt from 1.5.1 to 1.6.1
- Bumped jinja2 from 3.0.1 to 3.0.3
- Bumped aiohttp from 3.7.4.post0 to 3.8.1
- Bumped pygments from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0
- Bumped deepdiff from 5.5.0 to 5.7.0
- Bumped pyyaml from 5.4.1 to 6.0
- Bumped pytz from 2021.1 to 2021.3
- Bumped python-engineio from 3.13.2 to 4.3.0
- Bumped feedparser from 6.0.2 to 6.0.8
- Bumped python-socketio from 4.6.1 to 5.5.0
- Bumped websocket-client from 1.2.1 to 1.2.3
- Bumped wheel from 0.37.0 to 0.37.1

**Breaking Changes**

- Service calls no longer return results by default
- [callback]{.title-ref} and [return_result]{.title-ref} are now
reserved words for the service call api
- If an invalid domain or service is given in a service call,
exceptions will now be raised for better error management
- Changed [set_state]{.title-ref} and [listen_state]{.title-ref} to
support [entity_id]{.title-ref} and not [entity]{.title-ref}, to
standardise use across api calls



- Added \"get_logs\" command to stream
- Added \"deregister_service\" api call
- Added new AD event [service_deregistered]{.title-ref}. This is fired
when an app\'s service is deregistered
- Added the use of the `!include` directive in AD. This can be used
either in the main `appdaemon` or `apps` config
- Added support for Python 3.9
- Allowed for service calls over REST API to return data
- Added the ability to auto set return for the navigate widget -
contributed by [Christian Lyra](
- Added multi-arch builds to Docker hub - contributed by
- Added new fan widget - contributed by [Ben
- Bumped azure-mgmt-compute from 19.0.0 to 20.0.0
- Bumped azure-mgmt-resource from 16.0.0 to 19.0.0
- Bumped deepdiff from 5.2.3 to 5.3.0
- Bumped wheel from 0.34.2 to 0.36.2
- Bumped azure-storage-blob from 12.8.0 to 12.8.1
- Bumped websocket-client from 0.58.0 to 1.1.0
- Bumped jinja2 from 2.11.3 to 3.0.1
- Bumped uvloop from 0.14.0 to 0.15.3
- Bumped aiodns from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0
- Bumped docker image to alpine 3.14 using python 3.9.6
- When apps register endpoints, [kwargs]{.title-ref} can be added
which is made available at the callback
- The request object is now made available in the app endpoint
callback if using [async]{.title-ref}, allowing for better


- Fixed issue with when a plugin that is persistent re-initializes,
and it creates an error
- Fixed issue with when an entity has no state, and if wanting to
listen to it, breaks internally
- Fixed a couple of scheduler issues that affected tmezones west of
- Fixed issue of app endpoints not being cleaned when app is
- Fixed issue where it was possible for different apps to register
against the same endpoint
- Fixed issue whereby the wrong response code was sent, when there was
a server error
- Fixed issue with climate widget, so [units]{.title-ref} can be
properly set in YAML - contributed by [Ben
- Fixed issue with media_player widget in parsing state - contributed
by [Ben Edmunds](
- fixed issue whereby if [timeout]{.title-ref} is used in listen api,
and event gives \"timeout\" as part of the args, the
[timeout]{.title-ref} is used to filter the event
- Ensured that when apps with registered services are terminated,
their services are also deregistered
- Documentation fixes - contributed by
- Documentation fixes - contributed by [Andrew
- Documentation fixes - contributed by
- Documentation fixes - contributed by [Ben
- Fixed an issue where AD crashes when multiple plugins restart at the
same time

**Breaking Changes**

- Dropped support for Python 3.6
- Changed [unregister_endpoint]{.title-ref} to
- Changed [unregister_route]{.title-ref} to
- Changed the callback signature for [register_endpoint]{.title-ref}.
Please see example
- Changed the callback signature for [register_route]{.title-ref}
- Changed the arg [name]{.title-ref} for
[register_endpoint]{.title-ref} to [endpoint]{.title-ref}





- Fixed issue with Dashboard `icon` widgets breaking - contributed by
[Rene Tode](

**Breaking Changes**




- Added new api [timer_running]{.title-ref}, to be used to confirm if
a previously scheduled timer is still running


- Fixed [get_history]{.title-ref} api for HASS plugin
- Fixed issue with Dashboard not loading on old Tablets - contributed
by [Rene Tode](
- Fixed issue with [deviceid]{.title-ref} on old Tablets - contributed
by [Rene Tode](

**Breaking Changes**



- Added the ability to have access to `metadata` from HASS events -
contributed by [engrbm87](
- Added the ability to allow widget to make use of mouse events, which
can then be sent to AD backend
- Added the ability to add custom javascript code to dashboard -
contributed by [Rene Tode](
- Added the ability to set [deviceId]{.title-ref} on dashboard, via
the dashboard URL - contributed by [clyra](
- Added the ability to navigate to different dashboards on different
devices based on the set [deviceId]{.title-ref} - contributed by
- Added Icon widget service calls and state update delay - contributed
by [Jakub Macoun](
- Improved the how the Alarm Panel Cancel button looks - contributed
by [Chris Johns](
- Cancelling either an event, state, log or timer now returns a
boolean value to indicate if executed or not
- Added ability to have custom system packages installed in docker
when it starts, by specifying the packagegs in a
[system_packages.txt]{.title-ref} file. - contributed by [Sanjit
- Added ability for apps to create namespaces, and remove the created
namespace. This namespaces are persistent by default
- Added ability to persist plugin entities. This can be useful for
example if wanting to persist entities within MQTT namespace
- Moved the `appdaemon` reladed services to the `admin` namespace. So
no more `appdaemon` namespace
- Added services for creating, editting, removing, enabling, disabling
- Added ability to receive binary payload from MQTT broker
- Added [cchardet]( and
[aiodns]( to improve aiohttp speed
- Added the ability to submit tasks to executor threads
- Added the ability to make use of uvloop to improve speed, compared
to the default asyncio loop
- Added the [module_path]{.title-ref} and app config
[yaml_path]{.title-ref} to the app\'s entity_id
- Pinned requests to 2.25.1


- Updated material design icons to v5.4.55 - contributed by [Thomas
- Fixed [get_now]{.title-ref} api, whereby it returned UTC time
instead of local time
- FIxed issue whereby when a non properly terminated app has an error,
AD starts the app automatically
- Fixed issue whereby it is possible to use the app api to \"start\"
an already running app
- Fixed issue whereby when app api is used, AD could hook itself since
it gets into a loop depending on how the app is written
- Fixed [get_history_api]{.title-ref} for HASS - contributed by [Ross
- Fixed issue with [listen_state]{.title-ref} when
[immediate]{.title-ref} or [duration]{.title-ref} is used with it
- Fixed issue whereby when an invalid handler is used to cancel
[event/state/log/timer]{.title-ref}, it gives no warning its invalid
- Fixed an issue with stream api using [get_state]{.title-ref} api
- Fixed Azure packages by droping deprecated packages - contributed by
- Prevent the ability for apps to register services in non-existent
- Fixed issue with newly registered HASS services
- Fix Cryptography Rust compile issue
- Required example files are now being created by startup script -
contributed by [Alexandros Dorodoulis](
- Fixed issues with Bumping astral - contributed by [Werner
- Bumped websocket-client from 0.57.0 to 0.58.0
- Bumped pid from 2.2.5 to 3.0.4
- Bumped pygments from 2.6.1 to 2.8.1
- Bumped iso8601 from 0.1.12 to 0.1.14
- Bumped pytz from 2019.3 to 2021.1
- Bumped bcrypt from 3.1.7 to 3.2.0
- Bumped feedparser from 5.2.1 to 6.0.2
- Bumped yarl from 1.4.2 to 1.6.3
- Bumped voluptuous from 0.11.7 to 0.12.1
- Bumped pyyaml from 5.3 to 5.4.1
- Bumped aiohttp-jinja2 from 1.2.0 to 1.4.2
- Bumped jinja2 from 2.11.1 to 2.11.3
- Bumped astral from 1.10.1 to 2.2
- Bumped paho-mqtt from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1
- Bumped aiohttp from 3.7.3 to 3.7.4
- Bumped python-socketio from 4.4.2 to 4.6.1
- Bumped deepdiff from 4.3.1 to 5.2.3
- Bumped azure-mgmt-storage from 16.0.0 to 17.0.0
- Bumped azure-storage-blob from 12.7.1 to 12.8.0
- Bumped azure-mgmt-resource from 15.0.0 to 16.0.0
- Bumped azure-mgmt-compute from 5.0.0 to 19.0.0
- Fixed issue with socketIO, where the client is incompatible with
- Fix for multiarch docker builds, so Appdaemon is built for different
platforms - contributed by [Aleksey
Sviridkin]( and
- Fix for UVLOOP Windows compatibility - contributed by [Steffen
- Fix for Hass Api async api - contributed by [Oxan van
- Prevented the loading of hidden files into AD; those starting with a
- Prevented the loading of hidden python files into AD; those starting
with a [.]{.title-ref}
- Prevented the loading of hidden folders into AD; those starting with
a [.]{.title-ref}
- Fixed issue where when an app is stopped using api, when started it
doesn\'t respect the previous pin given to it by AD
- Documentation fixes - contributed by [Rock
- Documentation fixes - contributed by [Bob
- Documentation fixes - contributed by [Ross
- Documentation fixes - contributed by [Dougal
- Documentation fixes - contributed by [Jason
- Documentation fixes - contributed by [Jonas
- Documentation fixes - contributed by
- Documentation fixes - contributed by [Addison
- Allowed for both multi and single level MQTT wildcard subscription
- Ensured AD doesn\'t break, when a \".\" is used in app name, while
it is ignored. Contributed by [Xavi
- Fix for MQTT Listen Event using Async - contributed by [Ross
- Fix for using async method as constraints, contributed by

**Breaking Changes**

- Those using non-existent namespaces to register app services, will
need to create a UDN and use that to register the service as
- If using user defined namespace, there is need to delete the present
ones in the `namespaces` directory.
- Due to the removal of the [appdaemon]{.title-ref} namespace, if
anyone was manaully making a service call using it, will need to be
- `binary` is now a reserved keyword argument used when listening to
MQTT events
- When using `wildcard` to listen for events within an app, only those
used to subscribe to the broker can be used. so if using `camera/`
to subscribe to all camera related topics, AD will not recognise
`camera/front-door/` as a valid wildcard when listening for events;
unless `camera/front-door/` was used for subscription itself.
- Moved the local static folder for serving static files from
[web]{.title-ref} to [www]{.title-ref}. If using `web` already,
simply add it to [static_dirs]{.title-ref} in the `http` component
as described

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