
Latest version: v1.4.4

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- [Unix] Put ``user_log_dir`` under the *cache* dir on Unix. Seems to be more
- [issue 9] Make ``unicode`` work on py3k.



- [issue 4] Add ``AppDirs.user_log_dir``.
- [Unix, issue 2, issue 7] appdirs now conforms to `XDG base directory spec
- [Mac, issue 5] Fix ``site_data_dir()`` on Mac.
- [Mac] Drop use of 'Carbon' module in favour of hardcoded paths; supports
Python3 now.
- [Windows] Append "Cache" to ``user_cache_dir`` on Windows by default. Use
``opinion=False`` option to disable this.
- Add ``appdirs.AppDirs`` convenience class. Usage:

>>> dirs = AppDirs("SuperApp", "Acme", version="1.0")
>>> dirs.user_data_dir
'/Users/trentm/Library/Application Support/SuperApp/1.0'

- [Windows] Cherry-pick Komodo's change to downgrade paths to the Windows short
paths if there are high bit chars.
- [Linux] Change default ``user_cache_dir()`` on Linux to be singular, e.g.
- [Windows] Add ``roaming`` option to ``user_data_dir()`` (for use on Windows only)
and change the default ``user_data_dir`` behaviour to use a *non*-roaming
profile dir (``CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA`` instead of ``CSIDL_APPDATA``). Why? Because
a large roaming profile can cause login speed issues. The "only syncs on
logout" behaviour can cause surprises in appdata info.



Started this changelog 27 July 2010. Before that this module originated in the
`Komodo <>`_ product as ```` and then
as `applib/
<>`_ (used by
`PyPM <>`_ in `ActivePython
<>`_). This is basically a fork of 1.0.1 and applib/ 1.0.1.

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