- [issue 4] Add ``AppDirs.user_log_dir``.
- [Unix, issue 2, issue 7] appdirs now conforms to `XDG base directory spec
- [Mac, issue 5] Fix ``site_data_dir()`` on Mac.
- [Mac] Drop use of 'Carbon' module in favour of hardcoded paths; supports
Python3 now.
- [Windows] Append "Cache" to ``user_cache_dir`` on Windows by default. Use
``opinion=False`` option to disable this.
- Add ``appdirs.AppDirs`` convenience class. Usage:
>>> dirs = AppDirs("SuperApp", "Acme", version="1.0")
>>> dirs.user_data_dir
'/Users/trentm/Library/Application Support/SuperApp/1.0'
- [Windows] Cherry-pick Komodo's change to downgrade paths to the Windows short
paths if there are high bit chars.
- [Linux] Change default ``user_cache_dir()`` on Linux to be singular, e.g.
- [Windows] Add ``roaming`` option to ``user_data_dir()`` (for use on Windows only)
and change the default ``user_data_dir`` behaviour to use a *non*-roaming
profile dir (``CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA`` instead of ``CSIDL_APPDATA``). Why? Because
a large roaming profile can cause login speed issues. The "only syncs on
logout" behaviour can cause surprises in appdata info.