What's Changed
In summary, this is a release of a major change of the APPFL repository with the refactor of the codebase and the addition of several new capabilities. In details:
* Add examples on CELEBA and FEMNIST datasets with a new MPI communicator for large models by yim0331
* Add asynchronous FL algorithms [FedAsync](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1903.03934.pdf), [FedBuffer](https://proceedings.mlr.press/v151/nguyen22b/nguyen22b.pdf), and [FedCompass](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.14675.pdf) by Zilinghan and ShellyRiver
* Add example for personalized FL by shourya01
* Add globus compute (formerly funcX) as a communicator by Zilinghan and hthieu166
* Allow use to use custom loss and custom evaluation metric in the FL experiments by Zilinghan
* Document improvements by Zilinghan and minseok-ryu