What's Changed
* Document actions by dhoomakethu in https://github.com/TheGallliNetwork/appwrite-cli/pull/5
* 1 - Support for backing up and restoring storage buckets by bhagn in https://github.com/TheGallliNetwork/appwrite-cli/pull/6
* 3 - Backup and restore platforms, sync providers only if not exists by bhagn in https://github.com/TheGallliNetwork/appwrite-cli/pull/7
* 8 - Function deployment fails due to wrong tarball name by bhagn in https://github.com/TheGallliNetwork/appwrite-cli/pull/9
New Contributors
* dhoomakethu made their first contribution in https://github.com/TheGallliNetwork/appwrite-cli/pull/5
* bhagn made their first contribution in https://github.com/TheGallliNetwork/appwrite-cli/pull/6
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TheGallliNetwork/appwrite-cli/compare/0.0.1...0.0.2