This is a maintenance release that (primarily) updates Python compatibility.
**Backwards incompatible changes:**
- Python 3.7 and 3.8 are now officially supported.
- Python 2.6 and 3.4 are no longer supported.
- Added ``python_requires`` to ``setup.py`` to aid :pypi:`pip` in version
selection given these compatibility changes.
**Significant changes:**
- Updated the releases bundled in the :mod:`apt_mirror_updater.releases` module
to include the following:
- Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo)
- Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine)
- Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa).
- Bug fix for "accidental tuple" in :func:`apt_mirror_updater.releases.parse_csv_file()`.
**Miscellaenous changes:**
- Spent some time stabilizing the test suite on Travis CI (tests were passing
for me locally but not on Travis CI because the mirror selection differed).
As a result the test suite got a bit slower, but it's not too bad.
- Move caching decorator to :pypi:`humanfriendly`.
- Fixed deprecation warnings emitted by recent :pypi:`humanfriendly` releases
and bumped requirements I authored that went through similar changes.
- Made :mod:`multiprocessing` usage compatible with coverage collection. Note
that I don't expect this to increase coverage, I just wanted to get rid of
the warnings 😇 (because warnings about harmless things are just as
distracting as more pertinent warnings).
- Default to Python 3 for local development (required by :pypi:`Sphinx` among
other things).
- Fixed existing :pypi:`Sphinx` reference warnings in the documentation and
changed the :man:`sphinx-build` invocation to promote warnings to errors (to
aid me in the discipline of not introducing broken references from now on).
.. _Release 7.0: https://github.com/xolox/python-apt-mirror-updater/compare/6.1...7.0