- Rename the project and module to ``apt-smart``
- For Ubuntu, new mirrors discovery mechanism: at first it queries ``MIRROR_SELECTION_URL``, and ``MIRRORS_URL`` as fallback.
- For Debian, new mirrors discovery mechanism: get mirrors within the country which the user is in.
- New mechanism of determining whether a mirror is up-to-date: download the InRelease file and parse the ``Date`` value in it.
- New and more robust ``distribution_codename`` using APT sources.list
- Enable retry when ``fetch_url`` is timeout for bad connections.
- Drop Python 2.6 support and add Python 3.7
- Drop max_mirrors limit since we can smartly get mirrors within the user's country.
.. _Release 7.0: https://github.com/martin68/apt-smart/compare/6.1...7.0