Settings based on a TrueType® font
If you intend to render the text in a TrueType® font, you can tell the library
to generate its configuration by reading the font file to figure out what's
supported in the font and what's not.
To use this feature you need to install the library with an extra option
(not necessary when you install it with conda):
pip install --upgrade arabic-reshaper[with-fonttools]
Then you can use the reshaper like this:
import arabic_reshaper
reshaper = arabic_reshaper.ArabicReshaper(
This will parse the font file, and figure out what ligatures it supports and enable them,
as well as whether it has isolated forms or `use_unshaped_instead_of_isolated` should be
The second parameter to `config_for_true_type_font` can be one of
which controls what ligatures to look for, depending on your usage,
see [default-config.ini](default-config.ini) to know what ligatures are there.