**Spread Selection Module:**
+ Updated Cointegration Pairs Selection Module to work with any type of spread (3-leg, N-leg spread).
+ Added Spread Selection Module to the documentation.
**Hedge Ratios Module:**
+ Added Johansen Eigenvector, Box-Tiao Canonical Decomposition, Minimum ADF Test T-statistic methods to Hedge Ratios Module.
+ Updated Hedge Ratios Module to work with any type of spread (3-leg, N-leg spread).
+ Reflected changes to Hedge Ratios Module in the documentation.
**Copula Approach Module:**
+ Refactored all Copulas to allow independent use and fitting in the Copula Approach Module.
+ Adjusted Copula Approach Module documentation.
**Trading Module:**
+ Added Bollinger Band Strategy to the Trading Strategies Module.
+ Created a separate Minimum Profit Trading Strategy in the Trading Strategies Module.
+ Created a separate Multivariate Cointegration Trading Strategy in the Trading Strategies Module.
+ Created a separate Basic Copula Trading Strategy in the Trading Strategies Module.
+ Created a separate Mispricing Index Copula Trading Strategy in the Trading Strategies Module.
+ Added Trading Module documentation.
+ Updated requirements versions to the newest stable numpy, pandas etc.
+ Moved research notebooks to .zip format for distribution.
+ Added Raw Docs for debugging to documentation.
+ Added UML Diagram for debugging to documentation.
+ Added blog post links to documentation.
+ Added presentation slides and videos to documentation.
**Bug Fixes:**
+ Fixed package breaking due to faulty werkzeug version.
+ Fixed SCS package version breaking Sparse MR Module.
+ Added Hedge Ratios Module Notebook
+ Updated Cointegration Module Notebooks
+ Updated Copula Approach Module Notebooks
+ Updated Spread Selection Notebook