
Latest version: v2.6.17

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Release Note History

Change log from order Arcade versions.



*Released 2022-Dec-30*

* Bump Pillow to 9.3.0
* Bump PyMunk to 6.4.0
* Add explicit compatibility tag for 3.11
* Drop 3.7 as part of the test suite



*Released 2022-Sept-24*

* Support Tiled 1.9 via PyTiled Parser 2.2.0 (`1324 <>`_)
* Headless rendering with EGL should now work again
* Fix code highlights in two examples
* Fix data tables in quick index. (`1312 <>`_)
* Fix issues running in headless mode
* Update pymunk physics engine to return pre handler (`1322 <>`_)
* Bump Pyglet version to 2.0dev23
* Few PEP-8 fixes
* Fix perspective example

*Note:* Development continues on version 2.7, which will be another leap
forward in Arcade development. Feel free to check out the 'development' branch
for the 2.7 changes.



*Released 2022-Jun-03*

* Pin Pygments version to get around a Pygments/Furo incompatibility.
(`1224 <>`_).
* Fix Google analytics ID
* Bump Pyglet version to 2.0.dev18. (Thanks Pyglet!)
* Fix API colors for Furo theme



*Released 2022-May-18*

* Various Improvements

* Allow specifying hit box parameters in :py:func:`~arcade.load_textures` and
* :py:class:`~arcade.Camera` should no longer apply zoom on the z axis
* Promote using :py:meth:`arcade.View.on_show_view` in examples
and tutorials
* The Arcade window and views now expose :py:meth:`arcade.Window.on_enter`
:py:meth:`arcade.Window.on_leave`. These events are triggered
when the mouse enters and leaves the window area.
* Sections should now also support mouse enter/leave events
* Hit box calculation methods should raise a more useful
error message when the texture is not RGBA.
* Slight optimization in updating sprite location in SpriteList
* Removed all remaining references to texture transforms
* Removed the broken ``Sprite.__lt__`` method
* Added :py:func:`~arcade.get_angle_radians`
* Removed ``Texture.draw_transformed``
* Add support for changing the pitch while playing a sound. See the `speed` parameter in
* Set better blending defaults for Arcade GUI
* Can now create a texture filled with a single color. See :py:meth:`Texture.create_filled`.
The Sprite class will use this when creating a solid colored sprite.
* Bump version numbers of Sphinx, Pillow to current release as of 17-May.
* Bump Pyglet version to 2.0.dev16. (Thanks Pyglet!)

* Shadertoy

* Added ``Shadertoy.delta_time`` alias for ``time_delta`` (``iTimeDelta``)
* Support the ``iFrame`` uniform. Set frame using the
:py:attr:`arcade.experimental.ShadertoyBase.frame` attribute
* Support the ``iChannelTime`` uniform. Set time for each individual channel using
the :py:attr:`arcade.experimental.ShadertoyBase.channel_time` attribute.
* Support the ``iFrameRate`` uniform. Set frame rate using the
:py:attr:`arcade.experimental.ShadertoyBase.frame_rate` attribute
* Support the ``iDate`` uniform. This uniform will be automatically
set. See :py:meth:`arcade.experimental.ShadertoyBase._get_date`
* Support the ``iChannelResolution`` uniform. This uniform will be automatically set
* Added example using video with shadertoy
* Improve Shadertoy docstrings + unit tests

* Docs / Tutorials / Examples

* Updated install docs
* Added tutorial for compiling an Arcade game with Nuitka
* Improved/extended shadertoy tutorials
* Added example using textures with shadertoy
* Added sprite rotation examples
* Clarified the difference between :py:meth:`arcade.View.on_show_view`
and :py:meth:`arcade.View.on_show`
* Improved UIManager docstrings
* Various annotation and docstring improvements
* Fixed several broken links in docs
* We're now building PDF/EPUB docs

* OpenGL

* Added new method for safely setting shader program uniforms:
:py:meth:``. This method will
ignore ``KeyError`` if the uniform doesn't exist. This is
often practical during development because most GLSL compilers/linkers
will remove uniforms that is determined to not affect the outcome
of a shader.
* Added new method for safely setting a uniform array:
This is practical during development because uniform arrays
are in most cases shortened by GLSL compiler if not all
array indices are used by the shader.
* Added :py:attr:``. This can be used
to reorder how components are read from the texture by a shader
making it easy to crate simple effects or automatically
convert BGR pixel formats to RGB when needed.
* Added ray marching example with fragment shader
* Allow reading framebuffer data with 2 and 4 byte component sizes
* Simplified texture atlas texture coordinates to make them
easier to use in custom shaders.
* Support dumping the atlas texture as RGB
* Support dumping the atlas texture with debug lines
showing texture borders
* We no longer check ``GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK`` due to
missing support in older drivers. Especially GL 3.1 drivers
that can in theory run arcade
* Various shader cleanups

* Experimental

* Added a simple profiler class

Special thanks to
`Vincent Poulailleau <>`_
`Ian Currie <>`_
`Mohammad Ibrahim <>`_,
`pushfoo <>`_,
`Alejandro Casanovas <>`_,
`Darren Eberly <>`_,
`pvcraven <>`_
`Einar Forselv <>`_
for their contributions to this release. Also, thanks to everyone on the Pyglet team! We depend heavily on
Pyglet's continued development.



*Released 2022-Mar-25*

* New Features

* Arcade can now run in headless mode on linux servers opening
more possibilities for users in for example the data science
community (`1107 <>`_).
See :ref:`headless` for more information.

* Bugfixes

* The random text glitching issue especially affecting users with iGPUs
is finally resolved in pyglet. For that reason we have upgraded to
the pyglet 2.0a2 release.
* Fixed an issue causing :py:func:`arcade.draw_circle_filled` and
:py:func:`arcade.draw_circle_outline` to always render with 3 segments
on some iGPUs.
* Fixed an issue causing interactive widgets to unnecessarily re-draw when
hovering or pressing them. This could cause performance issues.
* SectionManager's ``on_show_view`` was never called when showing a view

* Various Improvements

* :py:func:`arcade.load_font` now supports resource handles
* :py:class:`~arcade.PhysicsEngineSimple` can now take an iterable of wall spritelists
* Sprite creation is now ~6-8% faster.
* Removed warning about missing shapely on startup
* Window titles are now optional. If no window title is specified
the title will be the absolute path to the python file it was created in.
This was changed because of the new headless mode.
* Removed ``arcade.quick_run``. This function had no useful purpose.
* Added clear method to UIManager (`1116 <>`_)
* Updated from Pillow 9.0.0 to 9.0.1

* Tilemap

* Rectangle objects which are empty(have no width or height) will now be automatically
converted into single points.
* The Tile ID of a sprite can be access with ``["tile_id"]``. This refers
to the local ID of the tile within the Tileset. This value can be used to get the tile info
for a given Sprite created from loading a tilemap.

* Docs

* Added python version support info to install instructions (`1122 <>`_)
* Fixed typo in :py:func:`~arcade.Sprite.append_texture` docstring(`1126 <>`_)
* Improved the raycasting tutorial (`1124 <>`_)
* Replace mentions of 3.6 on Linux install page (`1129 <>`_)
* Fix broken links in the homepage (`1139 <>`_)
* Lots of other improvements to docstrings throughout the code base
* General documentation improvements

* OpenGL

* :py:class:`` now supports transforming to multiple buffers.
* Added and improved examples in ``experimental/examples``.
* Major improvements to API docs

Special thanks to
`Mohammad Ibrahim <>`_,
`pushfoo <>`_,
`Alejandro Casanovas <>`_,
`Maic Siemering <>`_,
`Cleptomania <>`_,
`pvcraven <>`_
`einarf <>`_
for their contributions to this release. Also, thanks to everyone on the Pyglet team! We depend heavily on
Pyglet's continued development.

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