:information_source: Disk selection & disk operations will be slow in this release, bare with us until next release when we optimize. The program is not hanging, it's just slow! We apologize, but it's in favor of fixing 1557!
Bug fixes:
* This fixes 1557 by allowing empty partition information for devices that appear as block devices, but doesn't behave like them in the sense of `lsblk`.
* Updating `/etc/vconsole.conf` when `Installer().mkinitcpio()` is called *(otherwise mkinitcpio errors out)*
* Fixed waiting for `archlinux-keyring` being properly populated by additional services before installing 1389
* Created dataclasses for `DiskEncryption` and `Fido2` with `Fido2Device` for individual devices
* Improved disk encryption menu (including HSM)
* Introduced `get_blockdevice_info` to gather information about block devices
* Improved partitioning reliability *(this made the disk operations quite a bit slower for now, once it's stable again we'll tweak the performance)*
* Created a `TableMenu` object to make it easier to select options out of a table
* Added more translations, `Ukrainian`, `Korean`, `Chinese (PRC)`