What's Changed
* Python 🚧 by Freymaurer in https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl/pull/269
* js-docs: replace auto-transpiled discriminate unions with helper functions by HLWeil in https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl/pull/272
* Add ArcInvestigation and JSON docs :books: by Freymaurer in https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl/pull/273
* Small fix in js assay example by HLWeil in https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl/pull/275
* Fix typo in docs Contracts.md by HLWeil in https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl/pull/276
* fix links in docs by Brilator in https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl/pull/281
* Add full conversions for ArcTypes to and from JSON by Freymaurer in https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl/pull/284
* implement performance hotfix + performance test 283 :bug: by Freymaurer in https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl/pull/286
New Contributors
* Brilator made their first contribution in https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl/pull/281
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARCtrl/compare/1.0.0-beta.9...1.0.0