Main feature is support of the custom documents
Backend Updates and Extended Schemata
- [x] Switch to the `AREkit==0.24.0` (https://github.com/nicolay-r/arekit-ss/commit/be14ffc3868db039f13e56d8b4f492816c528e7e)
Quality of the sampled data
According to the 52 experiments:
- [x] 70
- [x] 71
Dynamic prompting support
When analysing NEREL-bio outputs, it was found that some labels and relations are better to describe more precisely with prompts
- [x] 67
- [ ] ~~66~~
Simplify new sources registration
There were few feedbacks on bad API with labels and that whole project might be crashed because of the incompletely registered source
- [x] 62
- [ ] ~~58~~
- [x] 59
Other / Minor updates
- [x] 68
- [x] 69
- [x] 42
- [x] `doc_ids` argument support which allows to select the specific `doc_ids` for processing (https://github.com/nicolay-r/arekit-ss/commit/90488c225bba7845af1270f3d102901ab4583b0b)
- [x] `[output_dir]` customization removed (https://github.com/nicolay-r/arekit-ss/commit/234ae212eaf097b469ebb7eb5c3dbc514fbb490d)
- [x] 72
- [x] `dest_lang` is optional parameter (by default is `src_lang`) (https://github.com/nicolay-r/arekit-ss/commit/234ae212eaf097b469ebb7eb5c3dbc514fbb490d)
- [x] 74
- [x] :wrench: 75
- [x] 76
Main goal of this release: 34
At this stage, we have a text parser presets that could be splitted into smaller parts and utilized in future.
- [x] :x: 57
- [x] :wrench: 60
- [x] :wrench: 61
Main Changes
- [x] :wrench: remove `update_arekit.sh` script
- [x] :notebook: provide `logo.png` for the project
- [x] :notebook: rename reference section with **Powered by** AREkit.
- [x] prompting techniques could be mentioned not in reference, but for a prompt-related comment
- [x] 37
- [x] :wrench: 43
- [x] :notebook: : Explain how to read the project name ("arekit double s")
- [x] :notebook: Mention image of the results in the `README.md` (Google colab :magic_wand: results)
- [x] Move examples from the notebook into the test folder
- [x] Clarify in filename that `nn` is only for sentiment https://github.com/nicolay-r/arekit-ss/blob/7785455be33c6be77cdf2ec967c8eb35c6bfa10f/arekit_ss/framework/arekit/rows_nn.py#L14
- [x] quick fix ident https://github.com/nicolay-r/arekit-ss/blob/7785455be33c6be77cdf2ec967c8eb35c6bfa10f/arekit_ss/text_parser/text_nn_frames.py#L35