> The package _should_ work fine with the latest version of Django (5). I am sorry, I didn't have enough time to test it properly. If you run into problems, please [create a new issue](https://github.com/illagrenan/ares_util/issues/new).
- **New API compatibility** (https://github.com/illagrenan/ares_util/pull/61). Big thanks to https://github.com/JiriKr for his contribution. 🚀
- `call_ares` no longer raise `AresNoResponseError`
- `city_town_part` has been removed from the response
- **Removed support for Python 2.7 and 3.5**
- `zip_code` is now `int` type instead of `str`
PyPI release: https://pypi.org/project/ares-util/0.3.0/