Breaking changes:
- The typing hints introspection feature is automatically enabled for any
command (function) which does **not** have any arguments specified via `arg`
This means that, for example, the following function used to fail and now
it will pass::
def main(count: int):
assert isinstance(count, int)
This may lead to unexpected behaviour in some rare cases.
- A small change in the legacy argument mapping policy `BY_NAME_IF_HAS_DEFAULT`
concerning the order of variadic positional vs. keyword-only arguments.
The following function now results in ``main alpha [args ...] beta`` instead of
``main alpha beta [args ...]``::
def main(alpha, *args, beta): ...
This does **not** concern the default name mapping policy. Even for the
legacy one it's an edge case which is extremely unlikely to appear in any
real-life application.
- Removed the previously deprecated decorator `expects_obj`.
- Added experimental support for basic typing hints (issue 203)
The following hints are currently supported:
- ``str``, ``int``, ``float``, ``bool`` (goes to ``type``);
- ``list`` (affects ``nargs``), ``list[T]`` (first subtype goes into ``type``);
- ``Literal[T1, T2, ...]`` (interpreted as ``choices``);
- ``Optional[T]`` AKA ``T | None`` (currently interpreted as
``required=False`` for optional and ``nargs="?"`` for positional
arguments; likely to change in the future as use cases accumulate).
The exact interpretation of the type hints is subject to change in the
upcoming versions of Argh.
- Added `always_flush` argument to `dispatch()` (issue 145)
- High-level functions `argh.dispatch_command()` and `argh.dispatch_commands()`
now accept a new parameter `old_name_mapping_policy`. The behaviour hasn't
changed because the parameter is `True` by default. It will change to
`False` in Argh v.0.33 or v.1.0.
- the `namespace` argument in `argh.dispatch()` and `argh.parse_and_resolve()`.
Rationale: continued API cleanup. It's already possible to mutate the
namespace object between parsing and calling the endpoint; it's unlikely that
anyone would need to specify a custom namespace class or pre-populate it
before parsing. Please file an issue if you have a valid use case.
Other changes:
- Refactoring.