Major improvements in Data Entity, more facilities in Json and Yaml parsing, simplified project structure are some of the themes of this release. Following are finer details:
- Data Generation and Data Entities
- Added generator, processor, composite and composer classes.
- data_entity supports setting an attr to a function, generator or composite. These are called at the time of object initialization with facility for dynamic data generation every time.
- A single generated data object is processed using the processor provided in generator.
- Multiple generated data objects can be clubbed into with composite and composer constructs.
- Doc Comments
- data_entity
- generator, processor, composite and composer classes
- Docs added:
- Random class and Data Entity.
- Usage of generator, processor, composite and composer classes
- Json
- Added JsonSchemaBuilder class
- Added more methods to JsonSchema class
- JsonList supports JsonPath based find and findall.
- Repackaging
- json, html and xml modules moved to `tpi.parser`.
- data modules moved to ``
- Arjex - New Examples/Tests
- Data Entity
- JsonPath-RW
- JsonPath-RW-EXT
- Genson-Schema-Creation
- Genson-Schema-Extraction
- Simplified Project Structure
- Cross-project resource importing
- Existing way unncessarily complex for beginners and too simplistic for advanced users.
- By default, all resource creators present in `lib/` are imported.
- For advanced usage, change it from module to package and add importable names to __all__ in Check arjex project for example.
- Removed Row Data Reference for Excel. Column ref is the default. /data/reference/excel contains such files. Doc and example code updated
- L10n files go directly in l10n directory.
- Data References
- Added support for Indexed Data References.
- Enhanced Query support allows for a blank query, thereby returning a DataRecord object for more involved coding.
- The string representing of such Data Record Shows data reference name and context/index used.
- Yaml module added to TPI's parser package.
- FIX:
- XmlNode's `text` and `texts` methods. lxml returned empty text for some HTML structures. Arjuna now uses .texts for both. Also changed "//text()" to ".//text()" in texts call.