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🐛 Bug Fixes

<summary>PKG_FOLDER variable in `` cannot find `requirements.txt` due to filepath issue. srivarra (624)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

`ark-analysis` will not install properly via PyPI, the issue seems to reside with the `PKG_FOLDER` variable.

**How did you implement your changes**

Set `PKG_FOLDER` the same as it is in `toffy`.

**Remaining issues**

Need to adjust ark-analysis requirement in angelolab/toffy132, and make sure it can install properly.


🚀 Features

<summary>Place `channel_norm.feather` and `pixel_norm.feather` in the pixel directory alex-l-kong (616)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 610. This PR saves the normalization files in the pixel directory for the clustering run to ensure it doesn't get overwritten. Additionally, it adds `pixel_cluster_prefix` to their names.

🐛 Bug Fixes

<summary>VERSION 0.3.00 -> 0.3.1 srivarra (617)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

This fixes an issue where version `0.3.00` does not exist, and pip / conda will try to install this version and fails.

**How did you implement your changes**

Adjusts the version from `0.3.00` to `0.3.1`. This should fix the installing it locally.

**Remaining issues**

None ATM.

<summary>Add back channel normalization before preprocessing cliu72 (613)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Add back channel normalization before pixel matrix generation, which seems to have been lost when parallelization was added. As in this commit: before the parallelization functionality was added, pixel values should be channel normalized before being fed into `create_fov_pixel_data`.

**How did you implement your changes**

Added back the code to channel normalize in `preprocess_fov` before calling `create_fov_pixel_data`.

**Remaining issues**

Don't think there are remaining issues.

alex-l-kong, cliu72 and srivarra


Major Updates

* Ark-Analysis now uses Python 3.7.
* Added FlowSOM implementation and pipeline.

🚀 Features

<summary>remove external manual clustering camisowers (615)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 574.
Removes the `example_manually_adjust_metaclusters` notebook and the `metaclustering` folder from `ark-analysis/data/example_dataset`.


<summary>Run expensive per-FOV pixel clustering processes in parallel alex-l-kong (596)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 532. There are many processes for pixel clustering that run on a one-per-FOV basis that can be optimized with parallelization.

**How did you implement your changes**

We target four functions:

1. `create_pixel_matrix`
2. `run_pixel_som`
3. `pixel_consensus_cluster`
4. `apply_pixel_meta_cluster_remapping`

1 and 4 are done in Python and rely on the `multiprocessing` module to generate separate processes in parallel. 2 and 3 are done in R, which provides a much cleaner solution using `parallel`, `doParallel`, and `foreach`.


<summary>Added Release Drafter srivarra (598)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 597.

Adds Release Drafter using Github Actions.

**How did you implement your changes**


1. `workflows/release-drafter.yaml`: Uses Github Actions Workflows to build the release notes.
2. `release-drafter.yaml`: Organizes the version resolver, and organizes labeled PRs into the following categories:
1. Features
2. Bug Fixes
3. Maintenance
4. Documentation

**Remaining issues**

We can add more categories as well using labels, and projects.

<summary>Remove intermediate `_clustered`/`_consensus` directories/files from pixel and cell clustering pipeline alex-l-kong (586)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 571. There is no need to create a separate `pixel_mat_clustered` directory/`cell_mat_clustered` file as the data is just the channel expression/pixel cluster count expression values with an additional `pixel_som_cluster`/`cell_som_cluster` attached. Ditto for the `pixel_mat_consensus` directory/`cell_mat_consensus` file. These should be removed from the pixel and cell clustering processes.

**How did you implement your changes**

We should overwrite the original data with the newly created data in the `cluster_pixels`/`pixel_consensus_cluster` (and similarly for the cell clustering functions).

**Remaining issues**

There are a few extra checks we need to include for validation if the user decides to rerun the clustering pipeline in the same session.

<summary>Pix preprocessing ngreenwald (579)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**
Adds in functionality to normalize each channel of image data data separately prior to pixel clustering. This helps to make sure that markers which have different intensity values are treated equally right from the beginning of the clustering process.

In addition, it changes from removing pixels that have 0 total counts to removing pixels in the bottom 5% of total counts from the image. This better matches the format of the data following rosetta, where there are very few true zeros.

**Remaining issues**
The testing I put together is very basic. alex-l-kong, if you could go in and double check that everything is working as intended, and if needed adding more testing, that would be great. Also feel free to change the organization/saving structure if you think it would be better some other way. I didn't add any new tests for create_pixel_matrix, that will likely need to be checked as well.

<summary>Added `sub_dir` option for `save_fov_images` srivarra (580)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 533.

Allows `fov_image` masks to be saved in a separate subfolder instead of at the top level.

**How did you implement your changes**

Added a new subdirectory parameter in `save_fov_images`. Added another test as well.

**Remaining issues**

None atm.

<summary>Custom channel smoothing ngreenwald (581)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**
Adds in functionality for different smoothing of individual channels in pixel clustering

**How did you implement your changes**
Provides the user a separate step to specify individual channels for increased smoothing, along with custom smoothing coefficients.

Also adds in an error check to `create_pixel_matrix` which identifies cases where the user provided the original channel name, but a modified channel name exists. This will be useful for other pre-processing steps we introduce which produce modified channels

<summary>Spatial lda bcollica (437)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Creates the directories and some files for the spatial-LDA pipeline and gives an initial example of code for preprocessing steps.

**How did you implement your changes**

Added a function for formatting a cell table to be compatible with the existing spatial_lda library. Also added a function for checking valid arguments along with a test.

**Remaining issues**

Fixing code format to be pep8 compliant so builds can pass.


<summary>Update FlowSOM pipeline with updated `MapDataToCodes` optional flag in `SOM` function alex-l-kong (570)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 568. This addresses the issue caused by the current functionality of `SOM` in the `FlowSOM` library which causes `MapDataToCodes` to run by default.

**How did you implement your changes**

1. We've created a fork of the main `FlowSOM` repo and added an optional flag `map` to the `SOM` function which allows us to prevent the call to `MapDataToCodes`. This parameter is also added to our `SOM` calls in `create_pixel_som.R` and `create_cell_som.R`.
2. For the time being, we add an explicit command to overwrite the default `FlowSOM` installation with our forked `FlowSOM` package. This will be removed whenever the devs of the main `FlowSOM` repo review the PR I've opened addressing the `map` parameter.

**Remaining issues**

1. It is possible there may be other memory-related issues we'll run into that will need further addressing.
2. It is possible the main `FlowSOM` devs do not approve our PR. In that case, we'll have to continue piggybacking on the forked `FlowSOM` repo for the foreseeable future. That might be a good idea considering we may want to make more optimizations to the C code and what not.

<summary>Append cell meta cluster labels to cell table alex-l-kong (567)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 551 and closes 523. The cell table is a requirement for several downstream analysis scripts, not just pixel clustering. To ensure analysis can be performed based on the cell meta cluster labels, these will need to be appended to the cell table as well.

**How did you implement your changes**

A function `add_consensus_labels_cell_table` will run this appending process, with the call in `example_cell_clustering.ipynb` placed at the end of the notebook. The original `cell_table_name` will be overwritten with the same data including the `'cell_meta_cluster_rename'` column in `cell_consensus_name` (simply `'cell_meta_cluster'` in the cell table).

Users will be able to save multiple times and can also re-run the cell SOM training with the newly-saved cell table if desired.

Additionally, we now allow more flexible locations for the cell table. Initially, it was forced to be in `base_dir`. Now, we default the location to `segmentation_dir`, with options to change the root. Note that the updated cell table will be saved in the same root directory as the original cell table.

<summary>Delete references to Docker locally rebuilding in `` alex-l-kong (560)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

There shouldn't be any more references to Docker needing to rebuild locally now that we have Dockerhub integration.

**How did you implement your changes**

This necessitates the removal of the line indicating that Docker would rebuild with the `-u` or `--update` flag pass to ``.

<summary>Speed up generation of pixel cluster masks overlay alex-l-kong (546)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 535. `generate_pixel_cluster_masks` in `` runs very slowly and needs to be optimized.

**How did you implement your changes**

The main issue is in the way the mask for each FOV is currently indexed. Currently, each FOV image is accessed in its original 2D format. Due to how 2D arrays are stored in memory, this leads to several cache misses that adds a significant bottleneck.

By flattening the array using `.ravel` and converting the coordinates so we can do 1D indexing, significant time is saved as 1D arrays are stored contiguously in memory. We get about a 3x speedup per FOV.

**Remaining issues**

If this implementation is still too slow, we should examine a different option. Unfortunately, the per-FOV iteration is a bottleneck we can't eliminate.


<summary>Remove extraneous output printed by `ConsensusClusterPlus` alex-l-kong (545)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 524. The call to `ConsensusClusterPlus` currently prints out a lot of logging output that's confusing and takes up a lot of space. We don't need to display this to the user and should suppress it.

**How did you implement your changes**

These outputs are generated using the `message` function. To fix this, enclose each line containing `ConsensusClusterPlus` with the `suppressMessages` function to remove them from the printout.

This change is included in both `pixel_consensus_cluster.R` and `cell_consensus_cluster.R`.

<summary>Verify warnings camisowers (539)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 539
Adds optional warnings to verify functions, as well as the appropriate tests.

**How did you implement your changes**

Edited `verify_in_list` and `verify_same_elements` to have new argument `warn` that defaults to False if left unspecified. This should not change the existing implementation of these functions in the rest of the repo.
Also fixed a logic error in the error message for list one in `verify_same_elements`.


<summary>Update pixel clustering pipeline cliu72 (530)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Update pixel clustering pipeline

**How did you implement your changes**

- Set the random seed for subsetting globally (instead for each fov)
- Get 99.9% normalization values for each fov during preprocessing, average these values
- Use these values to do 99.9% normalization before training and clustering
- Read in fovs in batches during training to help with RAM issue

**Remaining issues**

Need to change test functions


<summary>Don't check contrast for skimage save function. srivarra (513)</summary>

- add an ignore_warnings function for imageio.core.util
- added reference

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 511. Removes the low contrast warnings for images.

**How did you implement your changes**

Manually added `check_contrast=False` to all instances of `` in ark.

In addition fixed a small typo and added a line to the `.gitignore` to ignore
`.python-version` files (pyenv).


**Remaining issues**

None at the moment.

<summary>Add SOM implementation alex-l-kong (374)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Had to reopen this PR because the previous one's commit history got massively messed up.

Addresses and closes 325. Candace's pixel clustering algorithm needs to be integrated with `ark-analysis` now. This PR begins to add this functionality in, starting with a basic SOM implementation. We need to verify that this PR produces the same or at least very similar results.

**How did you implement your changes**

We piggyback off of MiniSOM (, a Python-based SOM implementation that should work for our purposes. It shouldn't be hard to translate most of the code into our project, but optimizing the process may be difficult.

Once we've verified our outputs, we then need to implement downsampling. A SOM would take a very long time to train on hundreds of thousands of pixel data from various images. We don't need all of these pixel entries.

We also need to implement

**Remaining issues**

Preprocessing takes a very long time. Unfortunately, it seems like `apply_along_axis` doesn't offer much of a speedup. Alternatives would be greatly welcomed!


<summary>Added option to ignore hidden files and directories srivarra (510)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 506. The purpose of this PR is to add an option for the user to ignore hidden directories in `io_utils::list_folders` and hidden files in `io_utils::list_files`.

**How did you implement your changes**

When `ignore_hidden == True`, the functions ignore all files and folders which start with a `.`. Defaults to `True`.

**Remaining issues**


<summary>Improved ValueError statements for verify\_in\_list and verify\_same\_elements srivarra (509)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 494. The purpose of this PR is to improve the user readability of error messages in `misc_utils::verify_in_list` and `misc_utils::verify_same_elements`.

**How did you implement your changes**

Adjusted `misc_utils::verify_in_list` and `misc_utils::verify_same_elements` by allowing up to 10 invalid values to be displayed in the `ValueError` print statement. In addition created a new function `misc_utils::create_invalid_data_str` which returns a formatted string for printing these invalid values. There is also a test for this function.

**Remaining issues**



<summary>Removed mibi directory srivarra (508)</summary>

- deleted the mibi folder
- adjusted templates_qc notebooks

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes angelolab/toffy20. It removes the `mibi` directory as it is now in `toffy`.

**How did you implement your changes**

A detailed description of what modifications you made to the codebase. Please include details on what functions you needed to change, how you changed them, and why. If you added new functions, give a description of what they do, as well as any specific design decisions

Removed `ark\mibi` and the `templates_qc` folders along with their contents.

**Remaining issues**


🐛 Bug Fixes

<summary>Allow segmentation pipeline to handle blank images ngreenwald (607)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**
Updates the segmentation pipeline to work with images without any cells.

**How did you implement your changes**
Check for number unique objects in segmentation mask. If there aren't any cells, skips the `regionprops` extraction and just returns an empty df. Also adds tests to prevent future reversions


<summary>Change default zip size ngreenwald (601)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**
Closes 587. Changes the default zip file size so that large cohorts don't cause an error.

**How did you implement your changes**
Changed default from 100 to 10

**Remaining issues**

<summary>Singleton list of dtype fix srivarra (603)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes angelolab/toffy120. Fixes a dtype iteration issue.

**How did you implement your changes**

Added a check to allow `str` to become an iterable as `[str]`. Added several tests for the following objects: `list`, `np.array`, and the following types `str`, `bool`, `int`.

**Remaining issues**

None atm.


<summary>Remove `channel_norm.feather` and `pixel_norm.feather` from `cluster_pixels` verification alex-l-kong (595)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Because the `channel_norm` and `pixel_norm` files were changed from `.json` to `.feather` format in `pixel_mat_dir`, they now get read in along with the `fov` files when retrieving them for verification in this line:

data_files = io_utils.list_files(data_path, substrs='.feather')

In some cases, this can cause `channel_norm.feather` to be read in as a FOV file by mistake. This needs to be prevented.

**How did you implement your changes**

Add two `.remove` statements after the aforementioned line to prevent `channel_norm.feather` and `pixel_norm.feather` from interfering. Because these are hard-coded names set in `create_pixel_matrix`, the naming will not cause any issues.


<summary>Adds np array support to verify in list ackagel (584)</summary>

Addresses issue 583 . Also adds test case for array compliance. Closes 583, and closes 585.

<summary>`remove_file_extensions` is more robust to various fov naming schemes srivarra (577)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 537.

Allows more complex fov name parsing in `remove_file_extensions`.
Removes the extensions correctly for files named such as:

"fov.1" -> "fov.1"
"fov.2.tiff" -> "fov.2"
"fov3" -> "fov3"
"fov4.tar.gz" -> "fov4.tar"

**How did you implement your changes**

Added explicit checks for the following file extensions:

`"tiff", "tif", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "tar", "gz", "csv", "feather"`.

Added an extra test for more complicated fov filenames.

**Remaining issues**

Should we account for more file extensions?


<summary>Address metacluster GUI height and width issues alex-l-kong (565)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 536 and closes 550. There are issues with the current hard-coded width and height settings for the visualization that cause the channel names to overlap and/ or the metacluster heatmap to become small and illegible. For now, we hard code new values. Depending on how we move forward, we may also add a programmatic way to compute these.

**How did you implement your changes**

The issue lies with:

width_ratios = [
int( / 7),,,
height_ratios = [6,, 3, 3]
subplots = plt.subplots(
4, 3,
'width_ratios': width_ratios,
'height_ratios': height_ratios},
figsize=(self.width, 6),

We double the width of ``, double the height of ``, and double the height of the entire figure in the `figsize` param of `plt.subplots`.

<summary>Check subprocess call to R scripts for pixel/cell clustering process for memory errors alex-l-kong (547)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Related to 518. ngreenwald has been running into an I/O error in `cluster_pixels`, which could be masking a memory-related error in prior function calls.

The way `subprocess` currently makes calls to the R scripts responsible for running the FlowSOM pipeline does not provide a way to check the return code. This led to several processes being killed due to memory-related issues without the user knowing of them. There needs to be a way for users to know if this has happened so they can make adjustments without strange errors being thrown later on.

**How did you implement your changes**

Because we're directly running the R script from the command line, we need to check the return code of the process. If the process is terminated due to memory errors, it will throw -9 (the universal code for SIGKILL, negated for `subprocess` return values).

For simplicities sake, we will assume that any non-zero return code is a memory-related error. In this case, we add a conditional to check for a non-zero return value, then throw a `MemoryError` if that is the case.

**Remaining issues**

There may still be underlying issues with Noah's particular dataset. However, this PR should at least clarify whether there is a memory-related issue first.

<summary>raise error if wrong channel is specified: load\_imgs\_from\_tree srivarra (543)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 517. Channels that are provided are silently skipped if they do not exist. If an `fov` name is provided instead of a list, the `fov` name is iterated on.

**How did you implement your changes**

Added a check to see if `fovs` is a string, if so make it a list of `fovs`.
In order to counter the silently skipping issue, used `misc_utils.verify_same_elements` on the input channels, and the channels found with respect to the input channels.

**Remaining issues**

None atm.


<summary>Put call to `` back into `` alex-l-kong (555)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

When `` was modified to handle multiple flag cases, the control statement to run `` was removed. This needs to be added back in.

**How did you implement your changes**

See above.


<summary>Revert index back to 1 when getting shape of `pixel_cluster_mask` alex-l-kong (557)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 556. There was an issue merging the indexing PR into `master` which reverted:

coordinates = x_coords * img_data.shape[1] + y_coords


coordinates = x_coords * img_data.shape[0] + y_coords

We should revert this back.

**How did you implement your changes**

See above.


<summary>Ensure interactive visualization can be run iteratively alex-l-kong (541)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 520. Users may want to run the interactive visualization in the same session multiple times if they determine the original meta cluster remapping needs changes. Currently, there is no way to do this.

1. If the user doesn't change the names of the meta clusters (or has a purely numeric renaming scheme), the overlay will pull extra columns and doesn't properly execute all the components correctly
2. If the user changes the names of the meta clusters to string values, the visualization will throw an error midway due to currently assuming all `metacluster` values are integers

**How did you implement your changes**

Flexibility has been added to account for the additional `rename` problem which solves both issues 1 and 2 listed above:

1. `metacluster_from_files` in `` now handles the renaming of the `{pixel/cell}_meta_cluster_rename` column to `metacluster_rename`. This provides a backbone that we can work off of in ``.
2. `_metacluster_displaynames_map` in `MetaClusterData` gets prepopulated to ensure that the axes labels contain the renamed meta clusters where applicable.
3. Ensure the `clusters_from_metaclusters` property in `MetaClusterData` also takes into account the `metacluster_rename` column when reindexing with `_marker_order`. Previously, it was assumed that there would just be the `metacluster` column.
4. Ensure the `clusters` property in `MetaClusterData` also drops the `metacluster_rename` column if necessary to prevent clashes (for example, with computing `linkage_matrix`).

**Remaining issues**

The visualization has not been tested on a variety of datasets as I have only 1 on hand.

<summary>Enforce stricter indexing of colormap used for pixel and cell cluster overlays alex-l-kong (542)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

**NOTE: this PR is high priority and should be done by Thursday at latest**

The current scheme of defining the color bar for the pixel and cell cluster overlays (`plot_pixel_cell_cluster_overlay`) is not robust to heavy remapping which scrambles the indices of the colors significantly. In certain situations, it will cause the color map indices to become misaligned, mapping colors to wrong meta cluster names.

This should not happen even if the user does significant remapping and renaming.

**How did you implement your changes**

Fixing this requires explicitly setting an index value for each metacluster that corresponds to their position in `mc_colors`, which defines the colors to use. We can use the index defined in `metacluster_id_to_name` as a baseline.

**Remaining issues**

This issue has only been significantly tested on Marte's dataset. Please post an issue if a different indexing issue pops up for a different dataset.

<summary>Fixing Docker Startup Directory srivarra (529)</summary>

- added scripts in --notebook-dir argument in Dockerfile
- fixed jupyterlab starup directory
- formatting

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Closes 526. When Jupyter Lab is opened, it will open the `scripts` directory now instead of the base directory.

**How did you implement your changes**

Had to reintroduce the parameter `-e JUPYTER_DIR=$JUPYTER_DIR` in the `` file.

**Remaining issues**

None atm.

<summary>Patch channel file path creation for pixel cluster overlay alex-l-kong (514)</summary>

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

The order of the file path creation for channel files contained in FOV folder subdirectories got swapped due to merging issues. The line:

chan_file = os.path.join(
fovs[0], img_sub_folder, io_utils.list_files(os.path.join(tiff_dir, img_sub_folder, fovs[0]), substrs=['.tif', '.tiff'])[0]

should be

chan_file = os.path.join(
fovs[0], img_sub_folder, io_utils.list_files(os.path.join(tiff_dir, fovs[0], img_sub_folder, substrs=['.tif', '.tiff'])[0]

**How did you implement your changes**

See above


<summary>Added exact\_match to list\_folders srivarra (507)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

This PR closes 360. It adds an `exact_match` function parameter to the `list_folders` function. In addition it adds specific tests for
the case where `exact_match` is set to True.

**How did you implement your changes**

1. The same case from `list_files` was used.
2. Instances of using `.sort()` within `assert` statements were replaced with `sorted()`, as `.sort()` returns `None`.

**Remaining issues**

There could be more instances of using asserts with `.sort()`
instead of `sorted()`.

For example:


a = [6,5,4,3]

assert a.sort() == [3,4,5,6]

Would not pass as `a.sort()` returns `None`.



a = [6,5,4,3]

assert sorted(a) == [3,4,5,6]

Would pass as `sorted()` returns the sorted iterable.

🧰 Maintenance

<summary>Upgraded to Python 3.7 srivarra (592)</summary>

**If you haven't already, please read through our [contributing guidelines]( before opening your PR**

**What is the purpose of this PR?**

Updated the Python version of ark-analysis to 3.7.

**How did you implement your changes**

Had to adjust some Pandas and xarray indexing. Had to update the following packages:


| Package | Python 3.6 Version | Python 3.7 Version |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |


Users should now pull pre-built images from Docker Hub instead of building locally.


This release incorporates better sanitization of input data to ensure that the functions can run as expected for generating the Mesmer figures.


This release includes a number of bug fixes for loading and analyzing MIBITIFF files

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