
Latest version: v1.3.1

Safety actively analyzes 714736 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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win32 binaries available :

* [X] ledger nano-S account available (only ark forked BC)
* [X] transaction type 0-4 available on all DPOS BC
* [X] possibility to create thirdparty signature account (escrow)
* [X] pin code protection for saved account
* [X] localy backed transaction (no secret broadcasted)
* [X] use absolute / relative / fiat amount for transactions
* [X] easy vote management option (-m)

**Tested blockchain**
* [X] ark
* [X] kapu
* [X] oxy
* [ ] lisk
* [ ] shift
* [ ] rise


**Select network**

Welcome to arky-cli [Python 3.5.1 / arky 1.0]
Available commands: network, account, delegate, ledger
hotdark/> network use
Network(s) found:
1 - ark
2 - dark
3 - kapu
4 - lisk
5 - oxy
6 - shift
7 - toxy
8 - tshift
Choose an item: [1-8]> 1

**Link ledger account**

hotdark/ledger> ledger link
hotdark/ledger[DUDV4...st5vB]> send 10 D7seWn8JLVwX4nHd9hh2Lf7gvZNiRJ7qLk
Use ledger key to confirm or or cancel :
Send 10.00000000 DARK to D7seWn8JLVwX4nHd9hh2Lf7gvZNiRJ7qLk ?
Broadcasting transaction...
transactionIds: ['9c94866c199001c69f88ed96c9a39b45d380f29ac32715f210fb46608bd40d75']
broadcast: 90.0%
success: True

**save and load account**

hotdark/network> account link secret
hotdark/account[D7seW...J7qLk]> account save dummy
Enter pin code> 1234
hotdark/account[D7seW...J7qLk]> unlink
hotdark/account> link
Network(s) found:
1 - dummy
2 - other
Choose an item: [1-2]> 1
Enter pin code> 1235
Bad pin code...
hotdark/account> link
Network(s) found:
1 - dummy
2 - other
Choose an item: [1-2]> 1
Enter pin code> 1234
hotdark/account[D7seW...J7qLk]> status
secondPublicKey: 0292d580f200d041861d78b3de5ff31c6665b7a092ac3890d9132593beb9aa8513
unconfirmedBalance: 25126790700
address: D7seWn8JLVwX4nHd9hh2Lf7gvZNiRJ7qLk
unconfirmedSignature: 1
secondSignature: 1
publicKey: 03a02b9d5fdd1307c2ee4652ba54d492d1fd11a7d1bb3f3a44c4a05e79f19de933
multisignatures: []
balance: 25126790700
u_multisignatures: []


Download Binaries
* Command line interface for windows



Has known vulnerabilities

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