- Covers changes for v0.7.1 as well (debugging README render on pypi) - Fixed broken logo link in README
- Added support for different permission modes SOME and ALL - Updated README - Added a license, code of conduct, and contribution guide.
- Changed `from_dict` method for building the token payload with all possible keys
- Dropped support for HS256 - Made TokenSecurity class lazy load TokenManager - Reorganized a bit to make it work better with OpenAPI swagger
- Made the Armasec helper class lazy load elements (to allow easier testing) - Add github action to publish on tag push
- Renamed package to "armasec" - Major refactor for imporoved testability - Moved TokenDecoders into their own class heirarchy - Real tests for RS256 decoding - Pytest extension for improved testability in client code - OpenidConfigLoader for fetching OIDC configuration - Added mock_openid_server for test loading of OIDC config - Added Armasec helper/convenience class