- [NEW] Factory ``get`` method now accepts a single ``Arrow`` argument.
- [NEW] Tokens SSSS, SSSSS and SSSSSS are supported in parsing.
- [NEW] ``Arrow`` objects have a ``float_timestamp`` property.
- [NEW] Vietnamese locale (Iu1nguoi)
- [NEW] Factory ``get`` method now accepts a list of format strings (Dgilland)
- [NEW] A MANIFEST.in file has been added (Pypingou)
- [NEW] Tests can be run directly from ``setup.py`` (Pypingou)
- [FIX] Arrow docs now list 'day of week' format tokens correctly (Rudolphfroger)
- [FIX] Several issues with the Korean locale have been resolved (Yoloseem)
- [FIX] ``humanize`` now correctly returns unicode (Shvechikov)
- [FIX] ``Arrow`` objects now pickle / unpickle correctly (Yoloseem)